Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Font O' Wisdom, This Guy

Joe Walsh then.

Same mouthy asshole now:

No, Joe, we're watching the apotheosis of your Republican Party -- a party which died decades ago and has been a racist zombie killing machine dancing around in Lincoln's winding cloth ever since.

So why am I so hard-hearted?  Why am I unpersuaded by all the righteous obituaries of the GOP by a handful of goofs who were, until recently, the party's most loyal lieutenants?  

Because I've seen it all before.

If you click on "The Bubba Bubble" ...'ll find one of the many thousands of posts I wrote about the condition and trajectory of the GOP. during the Before Time -- that long stretch of Verboten History from the day Adam and Eve lost their lease on Paradise until the day Donald Trump began running away with the Republican nomination about which Beltway pundits are now forbidden to speak.

No Half Measures

1 comment:

Robt said...

When GOP House minority Leader Mcarthy makes claim publicly that all of America is to blame for Trump's insurrection, for the republicans (TEA potter, Q, NAZI,KKK, Proud Boys, constitutional conservatives, Fiscal Conservatives, Hoover worshippers, Alt Right, Ditto Heads,_ All are under the Republican's banner.
I have a concrete confirmed alibi................!

Unlike Mcarthy and all mentioned and those not like the billionaires who funded their actions that should question if their citizenship should be stripped from them and deported to which they came like they treat other people..

Or just parachute deport them into Somalia or N. Korea.