Monday, December 14, 2020

Today In Attorney General News: Heat Miser Out, Snow Miser In

Jeffrey Rosen is about to become a future trivia contest answer in the "Ass End Of The Il Douche Regime" category.

No Half Measures


Lawrence said...

Not actually the worst Rankin & Bass holiday special. That would be Cricket on the Hearth. To think those guys would go on to do The Hobbit. Ho ho, my lad...

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

So Mr. Trump finally turned on Mr. Barr. Two things come to mind:

1. As usual, the end of "Revenge of the Sith," where Palpatine executes a whole bunch of people who helped him become Emperor.

2. Mr. Barr should've reopened all those investigations into Mr. Trump that the former shut down, as a last act of revenge.

Best to you and your loved ones.

Robt said...

As I begin to hear more and ore GOPers speaking of their conservative convictions.

Some of these convictions are being given there own forms of life boats and pace makers.

I am a true republican. Strong conservative ideals like small government.

That is why we see them saying they are 100 percent agreement with Trump but cannot cross democracy lines for him. Therefore, I am leaving the GOP and registering as independent.

I will still vote and stand with the GOP at every turn. Like small government that needed the GOP to ram through Contracted out judges from the Federalist Society because, small government with less regulations and laws needs a ton of judges. GOP judges.
A gov't small enough to interfere in the free market and cause a trade war to then bail out farmers for their lost foreign market profits they lost. Using tax dollars mind you, not other people's money like democratic socialism does.
Using small GOP gov't to prop up the stock market for wealthy people to play and profit during a GOP black plague on people that cannot afford the special drugs to survive such a virus like the wealthy can afford. So get back to picking the God Damn Cotton. China wants to buy that cotton to make socks to sell to Americans.

4 years of the president is pivoting to be presidential.

Only now, the media is promoting republicans as finally becoming something they never were and never will be.
The GOP is pivoting into a credible political party.. See? See!

Trump is pivoting to pardoning all his crime family criminals that is so presidential for only a president can do that.
But a pierce to the empty chest cavity where Trump's heart would normally be if he had one.

Putin comes out of the Trump closet and acknowledges president elect Biden.

The pain, the tears to be shed at NAGA Lago may threaten the state of Florida as much as Global warning with the sea water rising..

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine being so addled, and so entitled, as to think to do this. Trump's foot is going to be on the gas until Jan. 20. I believe Michael Cohen that Trump will leave for Florida for Christmas and just won't come back, though he won't announce that. But I'm betting someone will be executed about 11:45 a.m. Inauguration Day.

Robt said...

Side dish;

Hey DG.
Did you approve of Steve Schmidt joining the Democratic party? I assure you it wasn't me.

On Last Word, Steve Schmidt is on with larry and talks about after 200 years as a republican. He (Steve) left the party to become an independent. But on the Last Word tonight. Steve announces he can't be an independent any more and is now a Democratic party voter.
He goes on to explain and has some decent reasons. But he still has that memory problem of when the republicans became what Steve Schmidt only came to see during Trump's rein. Which I mean the republicans.
The lunatics GOP in Congress that Reagan let out of the mental institutions, the White supremacists displaying NAZI white supremacy in DC and elsewhere.

Schmidt does remember the right wing billionaires who fund the GOP all this time But he mentions autocracy.
I got to say, Never would I have considered Steve Schmidt openly becoming a democratic party member. But there he was on TV announcing it.
Steve said something I can understand, It is not enough that he leaves the dangerous GOP and become an independent. Independent is sitting on the side lines and letting Hitler take America. Well something to that effect.

You should give it a view.