Friday, December 25, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #578

(artwork by Blue Gal) 

“I could peel you like a pear and God himself would call it justice!”
-- Eleanor of Aquitaine, The Lion in Winter

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


duquesne_pdx said...

Merry Christmas BG & DG!

Neo Tuxedo said...

Talking of universities, have you seen, or even just heard about, the latest extrusion from Prager U? In the immortal words of Mark Twain on Belton O'Neall Townsend, there is no death that can meet [their] case.

dinthebeast said...

Does Leslie Jones know how tall you are? I could easily imagine you becoming part of her material.
OK, I was gonna say "I was struck by", but no, it's been obvious since forever: Fergus is mostly a traitor. It's just what he does. I mean traitor to the constitution and human decency and blah blah blah, but no, Fergus is a traitor to the goddamn Republican party.
Gratuitously so.
He could have blown up the disaster relief bill innumerable ways, and mostly by just ignoring it into a pocket veto that would occur after the current congress was no more, sending negotiations back to square zero, but no, he had to blow it up by betraying his own party and asking for more direct payment money when the goddamn Republicans were already eating shit with a shovel over the $600 figure.
On Twitter yesterday someone conjectured that one could likely build a serviceable guillotine with $600.
So it's looking like Gavin Reptile is going to end up having appointed a significant fraction of the state government plus perhaps the entire senate delegation.
Becerra to HHS, Kamala to VP, Padilla to Kamala's old seat, and well, DiFi is looking kinda shaky just now...
Thank you again for the podcast, and a very merry Christmas to y'all. The snow is supposed to hit tomorrow night, but last night's rain melted all of the ice off of the road outside, so I managed to walk up to the mailbox again today and wish happy holidays to most of the neighbors, even the old guy up the road in the NRA hat. I try to tell myself that the NRA is a different thing out here in Calabama, but mostly I just don't talk about it to him. You never know when you might need the goodwill of a neighbor out here in the woods.
How do I know that this is "the woods"? Well that would be the piles of bear shit that appeared right in the middle of the damn road a couple of months ago.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

preznit said...

same as it ever was.

Meremark said...

Merry C-mas DG & BG

Mine was rejuvenated reading this essay transported in childhood memories of new science fiction books in a C-mas present, lying under our tree reading H.G.Wells avidly.
The scents, the lights, the thrall; all was relived in my holiday world.
And now this. ... try to keep up the Stun Power setting on your liberals' Secret Weapon of remembering.

Robt said...

"The pardons are rotten to the core". Republican Senator Sasse.

"Constitutional Slop", REpublican Senator Sasse.

"Yes, President Trump extorted Ukraine but only reason he did it was , (He took poor advice from his lawyer, Rudy" Sen. Sasse.

If only there were someone somewhere that could do something?

You like vote for witnesses in an impeachment trial? Vote for punishing the crime a president choose to do even though tons of other lawyers told him no, the One-the Rudy advice. Not the president choosing to act on that advice is the deflection point.

It is not like the Democrats in the Senate actually exist in a robotic programmed GOP senate majority.