Monday, December 07, 2020

Coming Soon to a Streaming Service Near You

He's an unconventional lawyer who's not afraid to take on The System!

And he loses.

Ever.  Single.  Fucking.  Time.  

No Half Measures


Robt said...

We know the original vampires came when a vampire bat bit a human.

We also know COVID came from a bat.

You can assume vampires sucking blood from others would spread this virus just like it spreads the rabid mouth foaming insanity as rabies can bring.

The fake news reports Rudy contracted COVID 19. But that is fake news.

He is hospitalized because there are still splinters from a wooden stake close to where his heart once was. Splinter remain and need to be removed. I heard of someone the knows someone that heard from someone , that read it on a respectable right wing web site, saw it in a tweet and heard it on the radio in Idaho broadcasted by the all American radio host Gorka. Who spoke of it convincingly with his Hungarian accent.
So it must be true...

I can't prove this , but I just believe it is true,,,
Rudy keeps accidently pulling out his IV tubes because the nurses say he can't keep his hands out of his crotch area.

If only Rudy swabbed goats blood over his door that the plague might of pass by him.

Unlike Herman Cain, Rudy still has enough Trump value to inject him with bleach to prove the President's medical declaration. Following up with disinfectants and light bulbs up the rear.
May the bleach be with You, Rudy.

Repack Rider said...

Once you go Kraken, you never go baken.

Repack Rider said...

Rudy passed the bar 50 years ago, and never passed another one.

He thinks that being disbarred is when they throw you out at closing time.

Robt said...

It is closing time at the bar for Phil Griffin.

No, we are not closed. Just not serving you anymore.

Rashica, what is your pleasure, the Board of directors sitting over there would like to buy you a drik.