Sunday, November 08, 2020

With Its 71 Million Trump Voters, The Republican Party Can Now Boast...

...of nearly ten times more loyal fascists in its ranks than the Nazi party had at its peak.

None of which should come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying the slightest attention to American politics over the past half century.

No Half Measures


rapier said...

The question that has gone unasked of Republicans since Germany declared war on the US is, are they fascists. After 79 years when anti fascism became the most reviled idea in American politics I had thought that maybe someone would ask any candidate or politician if they are anti fascist. Now truth be told I feared Biden would be asked first and of course he would say he is anti fascist. Then spend the rest of his life walking that back because if your not anti fascist your a fascist.

There is a more complex alternative which is that one is not a fascist but you agree they deserve a seat at the table. That has been the NY Times position since fascism emerged on the back of modern electronic communication and the science of 'public relations'. Of course fascists don't accept the principals of democratic compromise. So it goes.

I fully get why Democrats never enter this space. That is because about 70% of white Americans are fascists or will vote for fascists.

rapier said...


Biden would be asked first and of course he would say he is not anti fascist. Then spend the rest of his life walking that back because if your not anti fascist your a fascist.

Robt said...

Every existing GOP congress person have been aligning itself with scum dictatorial rulers around the world. Putin to Saudi King.
Republican's have allowed Russian TV to operate in America while they attack not only our elections in favor of the GOP but, hacking our computerized industries from Hospitals to elctric Grids. Bounties on our soldiers.

The out rage the GOP emits? Removing sanctions on Russia for election attacks, bowing to Trump as he tells the word he trusts Putin and his intelligence over any Amrican intelligence agency. Crapping on our allies to leave everyone more vulnerable to foreign attacks.
Right down to the White House "herd Immunity" dude who specifically goes on Russian TV (broadcasted in America now). To tell American we are a herd of animals and will be treated as such by the Putin republican rule.
Furthering the erasure of the U.S. Constriction's Preamble. That defines the purpose of the entire document.
People's rights, Not on republican plantations.

Even Putin's mother Russia history fought against Fascism during WWII.
Now they embrace it?

Robt said...

By the way,

Trump's high vote numbers is because of all those dead Confederated soldiers voting
fraudulently. While dead and the rest of the NAZIS and QANON booting while brain dead.

And stop counting the votes in Wakanda. There is a beer party in it for you Kavanaugh?