Monday, November 16, 2020

He's In The (Twitter) Jailhouse Yet Again

Am I the all time winner?  Because this makes it my sixth trip to Guantwittermo.  I'm in for a full week this time because apparently having a racist, homicidal sociopath filling Twitter all day with ALL CAPS gibberish hasn't softened the hearts of the Wardens of Twitter towards non-bluecheck Liberals one iota.

The first time I went up the digital river for using the "W" word on Twitter.

The second time I was sent up it was for using the "G" word on Twitter, when I used a quote from "Pulp Fiction" to describe Lindsey Graham.

The third time was for quoting Benjamin Franklin to Brit Hume. 

The fourth time...I genuinely have no idea other than one of my Wingnut Minders is devoting more time than I am worth fucking with me.  Twitter is, after all, essentially an unflushed toilet bowl ruled by toilet trolls

-- in response to this back-and forth between me and some random Republican shithead who decided he would step to me on Twitter:
The fifth time I was sent the cooler because advised a Twitter troll that if they chose to die stupid, it was no skin off my nose.  Hard to figure this as a jailing offense when such august Conservative Blue Check media personages as Rick Wilson run their mouths like this on Twitter pretty much every damn day:

And this time?  

This time I learned that capitalizing the term "White Trash" is apparently off limits -- 

-- because lower case "white trash" sure as hell isn't --
-- and hashtagging it is also 100% Twitter-approved: 

Well, I guess it's off to Parler for me...

No Half Measures


bowtiejack said...

You and your damn facts !

Robt said...

If one acts in treasonous ways to support a presidential candidate win election with foreign powers. Can then be release from prison because COVID is dangerous there even though the president says COVID is nothing.
If someone on the Twit was to warn that person of the dangers of being abducted and probed anally by aliens and placing yourself in the most vulnerable places to be abducted by those aliens is a sign they enjoy it and may get some sort of anal cancer if they continue submitting for the pleasure of being probed.
Would that be a Twitter-al Offense"
Have you applied for the Twitter Hilton Prison residence?

You should apply for Work furlough . Ca you get out early for good behavior?

wibble said...

...Is this "Parler" some kind of white-supremacist Facebook or something? Whatever happened to Gab?

Cinesias said...

If you step into Parler, good luck.