Thursday, October 22, 2020

You Could See There Was Praise Coming Out of Her Eyes...

...praise coming out of her wherever.

Poor Megs.

Roger Ailes is long dead and no one is going to hire her back on at the Fox News whorehouse.

No Half Measures


Robt said...

The Trump anchor baby 3rd wife should be on alert for the Megyn making her move to be Trump's 4th .
Perhaps Judge Barrett will repeal Megyn's right to flirt in public like this. Just not becoming of a lady.

"Megyn, you lost that controversial feeling"
By the Righteous Brothers.

Just another boomer said...

I don't think she helped herself anywhere that matters. It's cold and lonely out there now.

Kelly in Texas said...

I've read Mr. Glass' comments on not forgetting and it seems Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald agrees;

We will not forget: You didn’t stand up


You did not stand up.

Granted, America faced neither enemy bombers nor terrorist plot, but the threat to her was — still is — no less real. Your country needed you.

You did not stand up.

You told yourself party was more important. You told yourself the courts were more important. You told yourself tax cuts were more important. And you convinced yourself you could put up with his bluster and bullying, with his lies, his hatefulness, his bungling, his complete unfitness, if that was the price those things demanded. You could keep your head down, nod a lot, say as little as possible and, when pressed, pretend to believe the unbelievable, support the insupportable, find no offense in the blatantly offensive.

Your country needed you. You did not stand up.

Now here we are, just days before the election, and your president, the man you Republicans clung to like Jack and Rose on the stern of Titanic, seems poised to do what Titanic did. No one old enough to remember the airless shock of election night 2016 is taking anything for granted, mind you. On the other hand, one would much rather have Joe Biden’s polling numbers right now than Donald Trump’s.

Many of you seem to agree. Lately, one can hardly open a paper or go online without seeing one of you edging carefully away from the man to whom you once stuck like Velcro. There’s Sen. John Cornyn comparing his fealty to Trump to a woman who marries a bad man, thinking she can change him. There’s Sen. Ben Sasse criticizing Trump for cozying up to dictators and white supremacists. There’s Sen. Martha McSally bobbing and weaving like Muhammad Ali when asked if she is proud of supporting Trump. And so on.

Well, to all of you — lawmakers, administration officials, party hacks and other assorted enablers — who have tardily discovered that Trump is a disaster that walks like a man, we have something to say. That’s not the editorial we, by the way. It is, rather, the we of those Americans who watched in apoplectic dismay as our country — its norms, its values, its virtues, its verities and its laws — came under attack while you failed to stand up.

I suspect I speak for more than a few of them when I say that your 11th-hour attempts to put distance between you and Trump do not fool us. As far as we’re concerned, the stink of what you did — what you failed to do — will follow you the rest of your days. May your kids ask you about it. And for any of you who broke the law — up to and including Trump himself — may there be prosecution to the fullest extent.

Maybe that sounds vindictive. America is, after all, a nation of second chances. Mike Tyson went from a rape conviction to Hollywood movies. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton went from scandal-tainted punchlines to respected party elders. And the argument will inevitably be made that we ought not dwell in the past, that we need to move on.

To which, we say: not this time. Redemption is a fine thing. Moving on is, too.

But sometimes, you need accountability. Not simply as a salve for what is wounded in us now, but also as a warning to those who would wound us in the future. Maybe they’ll be less likely to do so if they see that there is a price to pay for sitting down when your country needs you to stand. So let this be the message from the American majority to Trump and his enablers.

We will not forget.

We will not forgive.

Denny said...

On the other hand, with Conway, Coulter, Malkin, et. al., out, there is a vacuum that the wannabe's wanna' fill, and they will do anything, ANYTHING, for attention.

Robt said...

Attention Blue Gal.
Cruising by C&L. and stumbling across the Sarah Palin video.

I was sipping coffee when watching it and the involuntary function of spitting out coffee that went everywhere.

Well dammit, where was the warning disclaimer?

Neo Tuxedo said...

I'd already seen it on the Herald-Mail editorial page (I forget whether yesterday or Monday), but it's good to see it again, and more people need to see it (and every other Leonard Pitts column). Having been following his columns since they graced the Sun-Herald, back when I lived in the enlightened liberal paradise of Mississippi, I have always been glad he was out there being sane.

Casbott said...

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a plot by right wing pundits to engineer some sort of internet wipe like the Blackout prequel from Bladerunner 2049.

"We have to wipe out all records of what we ever said and wrote".

David Brooks - "I'll need to make hardcopies of all my articles so I can reuse them".
The Lincoln Project crew - "Hey, we better copy all the liberal blogs from the last few decades to recycle as our own material".

Anonymous said...

Righteous how Borat--who is seemingly incapable of any embarrassment or shame--can so easily goad Republicans into public displays of their own racism, sexism, mind-boggling stupidity and pathologically frightening indifference. This isn't "Trunmpism" it is Republicans being Republicans.