Thursday, October 08, 2020

Ron Fournier, America's Sad Clown of Both Siderism, is Having a Very Bad Year

How very far Mr. Fournier has strayed from the fair:

You might remember Ron Fournier as one of the many professional Havers-of-Opinions who spent the entire 2016 presidential election perched on one stool or another in one cable teevee studio or another endlessly repeating the Beltway mantra that there was no difference between Americas two political parties.  None.  They were both equally broken, equally corrupt and equally contemptuous of the democracy in which they operated.

His watchwords were "Disrupt the System!" and "Destroy the Corrupt Duopoly!"

I wrote about it quite extensively at the time and all it got me was slandered and then blocked.

Funny old world.

For more on this moron, see "Ron Fournier and the Rule of Mules" here.

No Half Measures

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duquesne_pdx said...
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