Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Donald Trump "Handling" The Republican Party

Caution:  May be triggering and not safe for work.

No Half Measures


Jason said...

Except Morgan Freeman is far more genuinely scary than our glass jawed president. The only reason Trump is getting away with it is enabling traiterous money first country last Republicans.

Robt said...

Just know this,

There are some good COVID 19 virus on both sides. Mostly on the GOP side of the aisle .

Definitely an abundance in the white house.

Gebnut said...

I knew someone was going to both sides this.

Robt said...

Let me point out. Satan did not send a fly to land on the heads of both sides of the Vice Pres. debate candidates. . It was only sent to land on one head.

Stayed there for 2 minutes. Which is long enough to lay MAGAs

Robt said...

The Donald is not only fondling the GOP.

He is providing election cover from the Grim Reapers refusal to take up any assistance to American workers. If it is foreign aid for Israel, repeal some Russian sanctions they will be right on it like a SCOTUS seat nomination.

By Donald declaring there will be no aid package discussions at all until maybe after the election (when he sues to the SCOTUS). To have them override the voters who did not select him in mass.
To save the republican senate is the cover he provides to McConnell and his merry loyalist enabling Chamberlain's.