Tuesday, August 25, 2020

RNC 2020

From its uplifting opening music...

...to its spellbinding orators...

...you don't need to professional pundits to understand the unifying theme of the 2020 RNC because it's exactly the same theme as the 2016 RNC.

It isn't about reaching out to anyone outside the cult.

It isn't about persuading anyone that Conservative policies are superior because the GOP doesn't care about "policy".

It's about completing the long, ugly, downward slide into a terminal racist abyss that the Republican Party began decades ago.

It's about making sure the party's existing base of bigots and imbeciles is fused into a single mind with a single voice all goose-stepping in the same direction.  All locked and loaded and roaring their adulation for the Dear Leader.  All ready to do whatever is required to hang onto power and purge the nation of the troublemakers that are standing in the way of their glorious future.

It's about...

Ein Volk.

Ein Reich.

Ein Führer

And the only thing standing in their way is us.

No Half Measures


Robt said...

" and purge the nation of the troublemakers that are standing in the way of their glorious future. "

" and to the Republic for which I stand, One nation under God indivisible and Liberty for all"

I know where I stand and where I have always stood since I was of age, experienced enough and educated enough to know where I stand and stood there since.

As Their leader Trump, when called upon could not stand for anything for the imagined out of fear Brain spurs that kept him from standing.

drbopperthp said...

Thanx for the coffee this Morning Drifty.