Monday, August 24, 2020

Libertine University

No Half Measures


Hal Rager said...

Oh come on, I sure it's *somewhere* in the Gospels about 'Let the pool boy come in here and boink my wife because I like to watch!'
Am I remembering that incorrectly, or is that from a more modern translation?

Unknown said...

Jerry Falwell Jr. as Chance the Gardener? Fine, whatever. I'm not gonna get judgey on others' kinks. It's the damn hypocrisy. You're "leading" a "university" that explicitly prohibits for everyone at said "university" what you are practicing behind closed doors. Oh, and if you're gonna pay the rent boy, PAY THE RENT BOY. Tip him well, even! Don't treat him like you're Trump and he's a building contractor. You hired him to canoodle yr wife while you watch.* And you're gonna stiff him on a biz deal that's implied payment for that service?! "You get nothing. Go ahead, try and extort me, I'll crush you."

It's the hypocrisy and the dishonest greed, the ego and power thing. Just freakin' gross. Family values, my butt.

*Although I gotta ask, what's with all the Republicans in the past four or five years using "cuckold" as an insult when guys like Stone, Manafort, and Falwell get off on it? Is there some class they all attended where they learned this stuff? And the insult is just projection, again, right?

jimbo26 said...

Ah , he *resigned* so he could hold his head (of his penis) high .

Robt said...

He resigns only to not have to lose the money coming in. There are some that will be hesitant to pay to go to his gospel of the academia subjects. They may recoil when the donation basket passes by and that will effect his bottom line.

His resignation is merely one of those miracles where Jerry publicly appears to be walking away on water. While still the plantation owner casting down his ordained orders from the heavens as his private jet soars.

When you inherit the ministry from your Dad. You own GOD and how his gospel is doled out and to who.

tony in san diego said...

It's always projection with these people.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Jesus' feet have holes in them?