Thursday, August 13, 2020

I See That The Fox News Brain Trust Still Has No Idea How To Deal With Senator Harris

Turns out, spending decades turning the average Fox News viewer into a reprogrammable meatbag with a 50 word vocabulary (Ook ook!  Radical!  Ook ook  Straws!) --

-- has certain drawbacks.

No Half Measures

1 comment:

Robt said...

Commando Kamala announced as VP

What does Trump think of it. Wgat did Hannity say. Has hennine Pirro made her feeling known about this?

How does Jred and Ivanka feel about Harris being VP? Will they still keep their no work jobs? Wil they become the Deep State?

How about putting on Chris Wallace from the FOOXCORP SNEWS side of the network brought on to the meat bag feeding trough side of FOX . Be interviewed with expectation to freed the empty hateful souls with nourishing hate doughnuts.

It is not very entertaining to remake the birtherism return only redirecting it as a series this time starring kamala the born somewhere dominatrix princess of doom?

This low budget, one brow, walking on all fours still movie will not make the theater box offices and lucky to be offered via Nut Flicks.
After The birther King )Trump) got elected and made the stand that Obama was a citizen and would not bring it up anymore. Many of his base racists became disenchanted and left their souls empty and hungry for a smorgasbord of hate to fill them.