Friday, August 28, 2020

Box Seats at the Republican Civil War

As the two sides of the wildly over-privileged, undeserving, bespectacled white male Conservative pundit ecosystem struggle for dominance, let's not deprive ourselves of the opportunity to sit back, pop a cold one, and root for them to annihilate each other.

Hugh Hewitt Thursday night on the Twitter machine:
Glenn Beck Thursday night on the Twitter machine:

David Brooks Thursday night on the PBS:
 "This was the worst acceptance speech I've ever heard... That was a Morning in America speech...because in six minutes it will be morning in America.""
David Brooks in The New York Times:
Trump and the Politics of ‘Mean World’ 
A four-day showing of apocalypse now.
Of course then comes the inevitable Brooks Both Siderist bulldozer to bury everything he had just said under a steaming pile of false equivalence --
The larger threat is that we’re caught in a polarization cascade. Mean world fanatics — on the left and right — are playing a mutually beneficial game. Trumpian chaos justifies and magnifies the woke mobs on the left. Woke mobs magnify and justify Trumpian authoritarianism on the right. 
The upshot of the mean world war is the obliteration of normal politics, the hollowing out of the center and the degradation of public morality...
-- because David Brooks is a pathological asymmetriphobe -- one who fears asymmetrical things --

-- and, as he as shown in pretty much every single god damn column he has written for for The New York Times over the past 17 years, is psychologically incapable of processing political and culture any other way.

So what is there to say but...

No Half Measures


Anonymous said...

David Brooks is trying SO hard to invent a deathless phrase that he'll be remembered forever for. It's like trying to give yourself a nickname, but even more pathetic.

Lawrence said...

He's trying to make Fetch a thing?

Ok said...

DFB, stop trying to make “Fetch” happen! 😂

Robt said...

I figure Brooks would have been reporting (if he was present) during World War two.

That America and Germany have just too much polarization between them over the efficient handling of Jewish people or their sympathizers..

I imagine he would be indulging in the both sider phenomenon that Germany is the same with Jews like America is with black people.
Then He would have to throw Japan in With Germany and present the two against one notion of being in the righteous.
Sure, he would omit England, France, Russia , Philippines, Hawaii. But there are some good decent people on the Avis of Evil side.

Thing is, I did not cart ch Brooks promoting good people on both sides , and political polarization when GW bBush name Iran and North Korea , Iraq the Axis of Evil.

Seems Brooks had one dimensional views then.

Did you ever notice when Broks does his both sider routine. He always ignores the "Independents"

joejimtree said...

If he wanted to frame this moment as two sided, he missed it by a mile.
The opposing forces aren't the lefty anti racists and noisy right wing racists. He should pay effing attention.
What's happening is between the lefties and the goddamned police.
That's the point.
And there's nothing both sides about a bunch of young protestors armed with slogans and an unaccountable, rogue, police, being instigated, nationwide, by a madman president, who would like them to turn the streets into a campaign ad for him.