Monday, July 20, 2020

The Maw of America

No Half Measures


wibble said...

JEZUS H FKIN CHRIST Give us a warning before you post stuff like that!!! My eyeballs nearly bailed out and rolled off...!


jp said...

Then, world, thou hast a pair of chaps, no more, And throw between them all the food thou hast, They'll grind the one the other.--Billy the Shake

Robt said...

Looks like Donald has a bad case of Skull collapse.

I have heard of this and just thought it was one of those fake stories.

The Rectum muscle tightens up so damn hard from stress. It pulls down on the inside of the skull, it is said.
It is not contagious. It is hereditary. The rectum muscle is enlarged with age and stress and Runs up all the way to the inside top of the skull.
When muscle contracts, it pulls the skull and the rectum together.

There is no cure. Symptoms are greed , Cronic lying, speaking of things you know nothing about, feeling all self powerful, demanding of others and an over blown ego.

No cure but can be arrested with the proper care.