Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Lysol: It's Not Just For Your Cooch Anymore

Lysol during the 1920's

Lysol a century later:


Don't Let One Intimate Neglect 
Keep You From Hitting The Tip Jar


Li'l Innocent said...

Speaking as a female human I find the idea of applying Lysol to any intimate part of the body to be appalling. You know what that stuff smells like??? Not to mention the effect it would have on mucous membranes, Jesus in-an-ob/gyn-waiting-room Christ!

AFAICT I was a small girl when that ad was published. By the time I came of age for Feminine Products, the lowering gender pressure in that ad copy was still there, full force, but praise the many goddesses, you could get douche products that wouldn't sear your guts out.

Robt said...

How about " "Raid "?
Seems it works on ants and roaches?
But if Lysol kills COVID. Can we try it on the GOP majority Senate this election?

Anonymous said...

@Li'l Innocent wins the internet for the day for "Jesus in-an-ob/gyn-waiting-room Christ!"
(maybe the entire week!)

Robt said...

When it comes to paid advertising.

The freedom to accept Rubles is still a Russian freedom protected in the United States.
So congress can can accept rubles , Laundered money through lobbyists to represent the highest bidder.

Li'l Innocent said...

I knew a guy who sprayed it on his gentlemanly bits for crabs. But he was an ex-Marine.

Li'l Innocent said...

Gee thanks!