Thursday, June 04, 2020

The Regrettable Return of Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says

Over the past few years, the terrifying howl from the Category F5 omnishambolic shit-show that is the Republican Party under Donald Trump has gotten so loud that it has, for the most part, mercifully drowned out the inane dribblings of America's most famous gay, Tory, Catholic, True Conservative.



But not today.

Today, driven quarantine-mad from a severe deficiency of being fawned over on the now-defunct Hardball or the now-solo-act Real Time with Bill Maher and starved for another chance to return to the good old days of bitching about what Mr. Sullivan knows is the real threat to our democracy -- Liberal Speech Codes at Elite Universities!! -- Mr. Sullivan decided to pitch one of his semi-regular, Pay!Attention!To!Me! public tantrums.

Which is not to say that there is no place for the likes of Mr. Andrew Sullivan in our public discourse.

Because there is -- in a display case in the "This is why things got so horribly fucked up" wing of the Smithsonian.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

The wrought of rust and corrosion concentrated into Sullivan's best paragraph f selective words of disconnect yet.

he and Rush must be sharing a Bunker of their own. Casting blame down at the Valley creatures from the mountain top of failure is a very helpful way of making it all worse.

It returns us to the issue that mental health is needed and access to it is desperate, Even for the Yacht-arians..

AlbertEShort said...

What's next after Andrew Sullivan, who gave us Charles Murray and Betsy McCaughey Ross, calls you a disgrace to journalism? Does Carol Baskin call you a bitch?

Jason said...

Tsk! If only Andrew realized the real money is in having a 'come to jesus' moment and suddenly realizing republicans suck, they really really do then talking about it as an 'ex' conservative who can no longer abide the GOP's absence of a moral center, science denying and the no longer veiled racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia. It's a great opportunity for him to catch some leftie clout and a 'get out of jail' free card for the prison of being a traitor to your sexual preference tribe. Sadly he actually seems like a true deluded believer. That or he's pulling a Greenwald from the right.

joejimtree said...

Its not Evergreen University but The Evergreen State College, and if sully understood anything about it, he'd know that the faculty kind of liked what happened, it got intense and unattractive but the school provided an indelible and active learning experience that will leave the students who participated in it considerably wiser, (and probably remorseful) as they mature. If he were one to do research and learn, he'd also know that the portion that he (or almost anyone but the local papers) apprehended was a tiny fraction of the story.

Dr.BDH said...

"This is why things got so horribly fucked up" wing of the Smithsonian.
I believe that's specifically a wing of the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian.