Saturday, June 27, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #552

"Come, my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world"
-- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Ulysses

Don't forget to visit our website -- -- for all those sweet bells and whistles:  there are links to donate to our podcast work at that site, as well as links to our swingin' Zazzle merch store,  our respective blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Kittehs! and much more. Many thanks once again to @theologop for building it all for us!


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


jim said...

Atheists' EP1C RAEG at events like the UM schism betray their blind spot as to both the power of faith & its mechanics... & reeks of sociological illiteracy & naivete.

Degenerate mutant heathens who know better shaking our heads at ... BOTH ,,, SIDES.

dinthebeast said...

As a fire-breathing atheist, let me express my love and support for Bible Bitch and any other quasi-religious content you have on offer. It's really good, and the thing that makes me an atheist makes me unable to deny that.
Mine was my dad's Ford Torino and scratches I put in the paint from our newly poured driveway.
Damn, that was a good car. 351 Cleveland stock, and the trunk was big enough to fit an entire drum set. Yup, I inherited that car on my 20th birthday, and the Berkeley Campus Police took it from me ten years later. It probably still runs, as nothing the three of us threw at it so much as slowed it down.
Fuck DFB and fuck "performative": the chronic over-promising and under-delivering that characterizes the Fergus administration demonstrates how crucial the ability to perform is to the functioning of our government and our society. These fucks don't even want to perform.
I didn't even watch the Colbert interview with Bolton, because fuck him. Those kinds of programs always bother me. Her "interview" with Rand Paul was the first thing I ever saw on Rachel Maddow's show that I really didn't like. (Then the next day everyone online was so excited about it, and it made me embarrassed for them.)
I did get a giggle over the Michael Bolton sings John Bolton, though.
Our tortie, Kitters, used to eat the corner off of my pop tart sometimes.
The numbers are rising here in California, but they were low to begin with and the governor has reimposed the stay at home order for the counties with the highest new case numbers.
You see on the news the meatheads saying shit like "I will not be muzzled like a dog" from rural California, but we're way out in the sticks here, and there are more than enough MAGA and KAG stickers on cars in town, but still when we go into Oakhurst for groceries, almost everyone is wearing something on their faces and keeping their distance, so perhaps the meatheads just make good television?
Thank you again for the podcast, and I'm not letting any favorable polling go to my head, even though my vote here in California won't really have much impact.
Oh yeah, about mail in voting: I've been doing it for ten years now, and let me go on about an underappreciated effect of it: higher quality down ballot voting.
When you have your ballots in your living room with your laptop and all the time you need to fill them out, you're much more likely to type the names of those candidates you don't know anything about into Google and find out what's up with them before marking those ballots. And those down ticket races are fucking important. They decide local police policy, for example, and fill the pipeline for future up-ticket candidacies.
And the controversy over mail in voting here in California is kinda bullshit: to mail in vote, in the next election or, like me, permanently, you simply go on the state SOS's website and tell them. You have to be able to register to do so, but my state issued ID is all I needed to do that in 2010, and again when my address changed to the hinterlands.
I get that more people would vote if they automatically got a letter asking if they wanted to vote by mail, but the process is easy and open to anyone with the documents and an internet connection.

-Doug in Sugar Pine