Friday, June 12, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #550


"Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again."  
-- William Cullen Bryant, writer

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


dinthebeast said...

Yeah I've been dealing with them all week: "Since we have to settle for Biden as our candidate, we have to immediately and unrelentingly push his old, white, centrist, ass to the left."
To which I keep replying "Get him elected first. None of your pressure will move anything toward your goals if Fergus wins, and he's gonna cheat his ass off, so don't be lulled into complacency by a few good polls."
I don't know whether any of them listen to me or not, but now just doesn't seem like a good time to not say anything.
Did you ever see John Cleese's daughter doing stand up? She tears into him for having a wife who's her age. "And she tries to act like she's my mom or something: 'You're not leaving the house in that dress' 'Why not?' 'It's my dress.'"
Thank you again for the podcast. It rained last night, thunder, lightning, the whole bit, and the air was delightful today as we walked up to the pond and back. We finally were able to buy a box of covid masks at Raley's yesterday, but we just stuck with our bandannas for the walk instead, because we weren't likely to run into other humans, and the air was just too sweet to filter out.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Larcana said...

We must elect a democratic party person or we will not be able to undo the current admin life-killing policies. Just go vote.