Friday, June 12, 2020

Andrew Sullivan, Charlie Sykes and the Worst. Crossover. Ever.

They called me mad what I said, "These people are not your friends and they are sure as hell coming for you next."

Here's the blurb:
On Today's Bulwark Podcast, Andrew Sullivan from New York Magazine joins Charlie Sykes to discuss woke culture, the GOP as a conservative force, cancel culture, and illiberalism on the right and left.
America's most famous gay, Tory, Catholic True Conservative, Libertarian attention whore is completely incapable of functioning outside of a carefully-controlled Both Sides Do It terrarium.  And so, when no actual Both Siderist sins exist at any scale out here in the real world that, Mr.  Sullivan is reduced to inventing some out of thin air.

And of course he found an open mic and a friendly venue at The Bulwark.

And thus do the Shadows slowly and carefully return to Z'ha'dum'.

No Half Measures


duquesne_pdx said...

Grifters gonna grift, liars gonna lie.

XtopherSD said...

They are returning and asking "What do you want?" of their Deplorables. The funny thing is the Deplorables want whatever they're told to want.

Robt said...

How can one expect Andrew to grasp the use of the word "WOKE".

When he cannot realize the GOP's "Yoked".

ltelf said...

And I'm supposed to find this enjoyable, listening to those two condescending prats blather on about subjects they know less than Pope Francis knows about tampon brands? Garrrggh.