Monday, June 22, 2020

Eventually Republican Scum Always Get Around To Flag Burning

Here's the joke.   In February, I promised you:
A summer full of Flag Burning amendments, English-only education "debates", medicinal wine from a teaspoon, beer from a bottle, Libertine men! Scarlet women! Ragtime! and whatever else the GOP can dredge up from the very bottom of the Conservative Culture War sewer.
Here's the punchine:  That was February of 2012, "Libertine Men! Scarlet Women!"

Which I realize violates the non-aggression pact that many of my Liberal "allies" have signed with the Never Trumpers in which the Establishment Left agrees to pretend that history began in 2016, and the Never Trumpers agree that while Donald Trump is definitely not a Republican, and that they bear no responsibility whatsoever for his rise to power, and that the GOP was doing just fine before 2016, and that  Liberals are still shit...something something...wait, remind me again just exactly what concessions the Never Trumpers are making?

Anyway, since I never signed any such agreement, I thought I would take this moment to remind you that when the Party of Bigots and Imbeciles gets in trouble -- 

-- they always go back to the same filthy playbook.  

No Half Measures

1 comment:

Robt said...

I think we are in agreement when I say,

They never left the vicinity of the their "Playbook".

They re market and re-brand and sell the same armpit gout.

Conservatives to Jim Crow'ers to John Birchers to Lunchbox Reaganites to the religious right to For us or against us to Tea Party to QANON to the Orange Orangutan thing.

This ever changing chameleon Identity is their rock of which they stand.