Friday, May 22, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #547

"And the whole damn place goes crazy twice
And it's once for the devil and once for Christ
But the boss don't like these dizzy heights
We're busted in the blinding lights
Of closing time..."  
-- Leonard Cohen, writer

Don't forget to visit our website -- -- for all those sweet bells and whistles:  there are links to donate to our podcast work at that site, as well as links to our swingin' Zazzle merch store,  our respective blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Kittehs! and much more. Many thanks once again to @theologop for building it all for us!

  • Symone Sanders link
The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


dinthebeast said...

OK, Blue Gal's soliloquy about gaslighting and abuse was as good as anything I've ever heard online, but you know that.
Briana and I have both received our apocalypse money, so I just made a fucking Paypal account and sent you guys fifty bucks.
Background: I kinda felt bad that I didn't get around to donating back in 2015 when I got a small inheritance from my dad, but circumstances.
Like we were living in a storage space in an old foundry building, had no transportation, and were still laboring under the misconception that ten thousand American dollars would be worth more than an old green turd toward renting someplace to live in the East Bay.
Now, up here on this mountainside, the financial situation, as near as I can tell, is sustainable on my SSDI.
*Looks around nervously to see if I might have somehow jinxed it by typing it plain as day in black and white*
So a major chunk of the underlying support that made this pittance of a contribution possible has to be attributed to Zsuzs, who has saved our skinny white butts again and again and finally just got frustrated with our flailing and said "Uh, I have a spare room..."
God it's beautiful here.
Anyway, thanks again for the podcast, and one way to back up some harsh and very accurate media criticism is to fucking just do it yourselves, and I'll be damned, that's not what you've done *bows low with double devil horn finger flourish*.

-Doug (and Briana) in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Fuck, "...I'll be damned *if* that's not what you've done..."
And I was doing so good for a minute there...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

Keeping things in perspective has become a full time job with tons of overtime. The only O.T. pay I get is the self satisfaction of remaining in reality.

Recalling the old Tuna advertisement with "charlie". I do have days when my brain feels like Charlie the Tuna after being processed and sealed in a can. Ready for the GOP market. difficult to put it all back together but impossible.

I question is Memorial Day as a holiday has any value left. Hearing taps play as Trump plays a round of golf through Arlington Cemetery. Is what the GOP has marketed as patriotic memories.
What is very troubling, I cannot differentiate between America's republican controlled U.S. Senate and Russia's version of a Senate (Putin's Senate).
Perhaps memorializing the death and futile sacrifice of U.S. Senate past accomplishments.