Monday, May 25, 2020

Over at True Conservatism HQ... only took Republican strategist Mike Murphy and retired Rush Limbaugh imitator Charlie Sykes ten minutes to break out that old, reliable jug of Both Siderist popskull...
Murphy:  ...well there's such corrosive cynicism.  And you saw it on the Left with Bush... uh... uh...Blood for Oil, that's what it's all about!  Y'know, there're...there're... there're...activists on either ideological side or...uh...I wouldn't even say if Trump is ideological.  It's more of a cult of personality/populism.  He's more Juan Peron than anything else.  But they...they need chew toys to believe in.  You know, simple unified field theories...
 No matter how loudly the Never Trumpers may bark and bray about the awfulness of "Trump world" and "Trumpists", if they want to stay on good paper with the establishment media, they must eventually get around to reciting the obligatory "Both Siderist" shibboleth of the establishment media tribe.

It is their "Dangeld" -- the tax or tribute that must be paid in order to stay in the good graces of the people who decide who gets to be on camera in front of millions of people and who gets to shout impotently from peanut gallery.

Dare to publicly suggest that the fatal problem with American politics is The. Republican. Party. Period. and you risk a reduction in your status within the Insiders Clubs.

Dare to publicly suggest that the reason Donald Trump exists is because the Republican Party has been a shitpile of bigots and imbeciles for decades and that party and media elite damn well knew it and tacitly approved of it because it was winning them elections and making them wealthy and you will never be heard from again.

No Half Measures


dave said...

the reason that the gop can't criticize the gop (trump who? bush who? bush who again?..) is it is expensive...

democrats prefer to share...we all invest in ourselves. the gop has a very exclusive concept of 'ourselves...' spoiler is it ain't you or me...

duquesne_pdx said...

Equating resistance to the Iraq war -- resistan e that history has shown was *correct*, by the way -- with authoritarian kowtowing is almost impressive. Those mental gymnastics put Cirque du Soleil to shame.

Anonymous said...

Odd to hear them use "no blood for oil" as their both-siderist cudgel when Trump himself condemns the war because we didn't take enough of Iraq's oil.

Christian Roettger said...

David Frum has a line recently about "Conservatism has wrought more harm than good in the 21th Century" - I wanted to correct that by changing just one character. Make it "20th Century". But I have to give it to Frum that he apparently blames himself, being part of the Bush II White House, which _would_ be in the 21th ... now I wonder. Has Frum maybe forgotten about that? Or did he carve out a niche for "Compassionate Conservatism" and Bush right up to the point when he, Frum, left?

Robt said...

Why wasn't there any both sides to Benghazi in HRC's case?

No both sides delusion for Obama's entire 8 years.

Both sides defense is in the kavanaugh constitution, (derived from an obscure Federalist society note on a napkin from 1762). that clearly states , for right wing use only.