Sunday, May 10, 2020

Get Your Election On: Our Story So Far... 1

This happened.

And then this happened.

You are now all caught up.

(Concept lifted from David Rees' brilliant, Bush-era "Get Your War On" series -- a well from which I may continue to draw inspiration from time to time as the crazy continues to grow exponentially.)

No Half Measures


Robt said...


Trump's same gut that projected we will be down from 10 virus cases to ZERO. That same gut. Now predicts MAGA growth he says is better than the crazy growth. Even FOX agrees.

So, all you have to do for a fantastic growth Economy that Mexico will pay for. Vote Trump. Because "Trust his Gut" what do you have to lose?
Oh, that MAGA growth will have to wait until after you reeelect him. His gut is very, very busy feeling the Democrat virus HOAX away, at the moment.

Mrs. Chippy said...

Get Your War On was most excellent. Ty for bringing it back to our attention, sadly it's still needed.