Friday, May 01, 2020

Did The Weeping Nazi Grow His Beard Out...

... and become Michigan Mussolini?

Hard to tell.

But not really.

Because all these plague rats are the same fucking guy.

No Half Measures


Lawrence said...

The thing is, those buzz cut cops don't really have a problem with that guy. American law enforcement culture is largely sympathetic to the white male christian dominance agenda. These men are their people. The nazis get asked to help arrest antifa. Of all the grisly police executions I have watched in the past few years the only officer who lost his job was the Mesa AZ SWAT guy who gunned down a man in a hotel hallway. The man he killed was white. Lost his job. Not serving time for murder. If the police went full Kent State on a BLM protest the criminal justice system would do nothing. And these men are their friends. And that might get Governor Whitmer killed.

CG Bush said...

It sure the hell is. I worry that Eric Prince is not far behind these guys.

Robt said...

When they raise their, "Freedom".

It never includes other peoples freedom. Where their freedom rights start and end.

It is about what they want at the expense of others. This is the concept.

The Libertarian that should not have to pay taxes but enjoys the protections America's military provides. Driving on paved roads that someone else paid for. If they have financial down falls, let the Government bail him out. And so slogging forth.

I have recommended this many a times to Libertarians deprived of their freedoms.

Think, SOMALIA !
There is no constitution to infringe on you (or to provide freedoms to you). Not taxes, no regulation, no big government.
It is a place that still remains on Earth where you can go to and live out your wildest freedom dreams of becoming a pirate and live happily ever after. And the Freedom provided to you in our Constitution allows for you to move there.

Because it is not about ideals and principals to refine for improving. It is about what they want and who is going to provide it to them.

The Northern Gamer said...

Weeklysift worked on that topic a few years ago in a short essay.

dinthebeast said...

I seem to remember that when the Black Panthers, who actually stood for more than petulantly starting shit and did real things for their community, showed up at the state capitol strapped, Ronald the fuck holy Alzheimer Reagan freaked the fuck out and instituted GUN CONTROL in California.
I still bring this up at opportune times when replying to "California gun laws are tyranny" arguments as in "the continuing tyranny of Ronald Reagan?"
I still am technically half owner of my late father's gun cabinet, and while he was no fan of the Panthers, every pickup truck he ever owned had a gun rack in the back window.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Unknown said...

Huh, I looked at shouty-face there and thought it was Brad Parscale.


Robt said...

Appreciate the link. has some interesting takes and historically tied origins.

Defining Freedom in a way most can agree as a basis remains elusive. A line drawn between Rights and freedom. When the Bill of Rights is a derivative of Freedom.

If your freedom is pay no taxes. Who stops the tax collector? Or anyone from collecting some sort of payment. Extracting/extorting?
Has always peaked my interest as those who want to make the rules but do not want to obey them. They alwas seem to base this notion on what they want (or don't) but force "stuff on others"

This stands out in the right to work states. Enjoying all the union dues benefits through lawyers and negotiations and organized workers. They want to work and reap those jobs, pay and benefits but hate those who provide it and have needs to do so.

I"I want to be a rock star and sell records . make millions and be famous. I just don't want to do the work or learn the craft or make business deals to achieve it. But I want it"

Hal Rager said...

Eric Prince is just an Executive Order away. That very order is in the 'ready to go' stack that just needs the date and signature to have the force of law. It's an "E" (for 'Executive Order') so it goes before 'Martial Law' and after "Abortion". That stack is kept in a lockable case that is always with the Nuclear Football.

joejimtree said...

I think the weeping Nazi is doing time. Wasn't that why he was weeping, because he was realizing that he was screwed?

Robt said...

Lived in Calif. when Panther's so scared Governor Reagan to pass his gun laws.
I only heard one media host raise the issue that In Michigan with those white supremacists paid to show up and look threatening in the capital building.

If they were all black wearing berets, in cammo, carrying their assault weapons. Would the SWAT, national Guard be called out to put it down?

Not by their Dem. Governor but the right wing.

Terrorists from Middle East can have a nation wage war against them for 9/11.
Brown Muslims wanting their Freedom? Verses one white guy in Las Vegas mass shooting 550 people and GOP offers "Thoughts and Prayers".
Nevada was not invaded and forced into a new government with their constitution written by people infringing on their freedom.
Because Fred om is just another word of why we should have to obey right wing idiots.

Someone Get Janis Joplin on rewriting the lyrics ......!

Mike R said...

If wikipedia is to be believed the crying nazi escaped being jailed because of the corona virus. That would be so much like these fucks to rail against the very thing keeping them out of jail, as they are too stupid to understand much of anything.