Thursday, April 02, 2020

Young Zach is Really Gunning For That "Emergency Backup David Brooks" NYT Gig

Best cool your spurs cowboy.

There are already [checks notes] several hundred Beltway Both Siderist media hacks in line ahead of you who have been queued up for years waiting for that sweet, sweet sinecure.

Both Siderism Is A Disease


Anonymous said...

Both siderism is like a disease, but we know the cause, how it spreads, and who the victims are.

The cause is the Republicans who invented the disease.

It is spread by the cowardly and/or corrupt media who refuse to identify at as a lie.

The victims are the citizens who lose faith in their own governmental system, and have to live with the results.

Like many diseases, the victims have long lasting after effects, often serious, sometimes irreversible. Sometimes the victims never recover.

A skewed view of history, no matter how sweet it seems, does no one any good. Self-forgetting clears a path for tyrants. We must face, and never forget, the truth.

"As long as we as a Nation fail to face the truth of our history and hide behind lies, we can never become the country we like to think we are, the country we can and ought to be. Wisdom comes with the acknowledgement of history that has not been filtered by lies." - Gary Hart

At present, I am not optimistic.

However, I will not surrender.

Robt said...

Sometime ago, I experimented social distancing from Bothsider infected republicans.

It didn't work.

The ones that came down with the sickness barfed up feirsly When a republican was indicted and found guilty and sentenced to prison time.

Then there was the a type who did not have the illness symptoms and still were the carriers that spread the bothsider virus.

This illness I observed only rose and spread when republicans were exposed for corruption, crimes as theft.

The Bothsider virus never spread when a Democratic politician was accused of something real or imaginary..