Monday, April 13, 2020

Team of Trifles

I simply want to reduce the Republican Party to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in Jared Kushner's bidet.  .

Fund The Shrinkage!


Lawrence said...

These fucking roaches, again. I just clicked on a FB link to buy stamps in support of the USPS. Site was overloaded. I think that's a good sign?

Robt said...

Wilber is in Dementia dreamland, Kudlow is on a dry (or wet) drunk, Mnuchin is on Seseme Street Counting De Mone'y, EVa is wrapped up designing her new scarf and getting it patented from China, Jared is exhausted from getting his debt properties financed from Middle East wealth OH and Jared brought peace to the Middle East, Meadows is occupied with arraigning himself a bailout as a TEA Party being out of business.

This leaves Donny Jr, Eric, Tomi Loren and if he uses his pardon power / best people like Charles Manson and his Campaign manager convict dude.

I would like to hear Trump publicly nominate McConnell to a White House position, to work for Trump as a trust familiar.
Even if McConnell turns him down it is a snub from Mitch and Trump's base wouldn't take kindly and if Mitch accepted to be a whitte house bitch. Well It is one less poisonous snake in the Senate pit.

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

Oh, you mean Burgess Meredith is gonna be in ANOTHER episode of "The Twilight Zone"?*** Didn't see that coming.

Be seeing you.

***except Burgess Meredith was awesome on "The Twilight Zone".

jimbo26 said...

Sooooo many grifters - mind , that`s not unusual with Trumpy . (commissions a-plenty) .