Monday, April 13, 2020

The Private History of a Campaign that Failed

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

The hypothesis they were not Ass-holish enough could only be interpreted that they did not emit enough shit to fully qualify as full functioning assholes. With or without a light bulb shoved up them or not.

I do know one thing for a fact......

Trump is sucking up every once of PPM Oxygen of the media if it be the airing of his dirty underwear in their faces. His bragging and naughty name calling to he is the King commandment. From Chosen one that he can only fix it to the God of Kings. Is not a very big step.
It is Trump all 24/7 not like in 2016. Worse.......................

The president was angry today. The president was whistling a tone of presidential. The president';s son and daughter are chosen for C-19 command posts (are we blessed or what?). The president is locked up in the white house with his high tech golf video and can't get away to his golf resort to relax with all his pals that won't come and hang out right now.

The president says Obama did something in 2nd grade that still hangs over Trump's presidency to this day. Hillary's Emails and Joe Biden is called "sleepy Joe".
Oh, the Hoax is over..! time to open the economy that was shut down because of that HOAX..!

-------SOS ------ SOS------- SOS Sinking fast send help....
Help, I have been trapped in the country of the United States of America with the smartest republican in the world as it's president. Help..!

Fritz Strand said...

There you go again - The nerd with the pocket protector taunting the coolest high school boys.