Friday, April 10, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #541

"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."
--   Omar Khayyam

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1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

Fergus may be a self-obsessed moron, but there are plenty of killbots on team evil who are capable of planning ahead, and Wisconsin was a dry run of their plans to steal the November election. They, or at least some of them, are perfectly aware of the likelihood that COVID-19 will taper off a little this summer but come roaring back this fall and make in person voting in November very dangerous to a public already very weary of containment measures, but by then personally connected to loss of life from the virus.

After Fergus said "happy good Friday" I saw a Jewish man on Twitter say that business associates wished him a happy Yom Kippur pretty much every year.

The Rude Pundit pointed out the other day that if you plan on voting for Fergus because Bernie lost the primary, you never cared about Bernie's causes in the first place. This was never gonna be easy, ever. It will be a fight, and it always was gonna be a fight.

I just happen to think that the fight would be easier to win with sane vertebrates as cabinet secretaries and someone to the left of Atilla the Hun on the supreme court, but I'm kinda through trying to argue with people who don't even realize that they are parroting Russian propaganda.

So we all have to show up November the third. I'll get to vote by mail, because I live in California and I've been voting that way for ten years now, but because I do live and vote in California, my vote won't count for very much. I'll still do it, though. The only Dem in our congressional race made the general, and I'm gonna vote for her in November, and everyone I know is damn sure gonna vote for her. It may not be much, but out here where there aren't as many voters as in the East Bay, it just might make a difference.

Thank you again for the podcast, and if you run into any of the so-called "enthusiasm gap", try reminding the gappee that there are still babies in cages, and now there's a pandemic for them to try not to die of.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PS: My sister, who raised blue ribbon sheep for 4-H, never had any luck raising rabbits.