Thursday, April 02, 2020



No pivot.

Republicans Are The Death Panel


Pagan in repose said...

I agree with The Rude Pundit ( Trump MUST resign or be removed from the Presidency. And I would add that Pence also should follow suit and coat tails being that he is already so far up Trump's ass that he can't even cast a shadow in dawns early light.

Please read the post.

To the republicans: Gilligan's Island is full so there is now no where to hide you or your family no matter how much you lie or try to transfer blame. The virus doesn't give a shit, no wall, money or lies will protect you.

You could at least show some concern for you own families for Christ's sake.

Robt said...

No matter where the Snarks come from.

the smartest republican I have ever seen and ever had tell me he is the smartest ever.

This smartest Republican, (an oxymoron of itself), figured out how to "Jump the Snark".