Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Breaking News From Dirtbag Minitrue: It Was Barzini All Along!

Sadly, Senator Bernie Sanders -- the undisputed leader of the American Left for decades -- has actually been the mindless puppet for [checks notes] Jeff Weaver all along.


Jeff Weaver?

You don't want to stick with the DLC as the all-powerful electoral boogeyman that's to blame for everything?  Or I hear scapegoating George Soros is back in vogue.  Why not hang all of this on him?

You're really going with "Jeff Weaver"?

Well alrighty then. 

You do you.

No Half Measures


Robt said...

Oh No, it wasn't the airplanes.
It was beauty that killed the beast......!

mcfrank said...

Interesting -- Wikipedia has already been "updated":

"Jeffrey P. Weaver (born 1966)[1] is an American political strategist who tanked the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign and the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign."

Mike R said...

Bernie and the true left can never fail, they can only be failed. For some reason that sounds like something a bug fuck crazy conservative would say. Poor Bernie do you suppose Weaver was a DLC, Soros plant?