As some shitty blogger said long ago, once purity itself becomes all you care about -- once it becomes a distillery race to see who can get to 100% -- the chicken farmers are never far behind:
The main Islamist group in Algeria, the GIA, ended up being led by a Mr. Zouabri, a chicken farmer, who killed everyone who disagreed with him. He issued a final communiqué, declaring that the whole of Algerian society should be killed, with the exception of his tiny remaining band of Islamists. They were the only ones who understood the truth.You can watch the process unfold in near-real time as Spleenwald makes that sharp turn from vindictive glee --
Please just make sure Maddow is on the air all throughout Super Tuesday, through California, and my video-adept friends: please be sure to produce ample clips of all the stages of her grief.— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 1, 2020
-- to noxious fury:
I’m not expecting or hoping Warren will drop out & endorse Bernie.— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 4, 2020
I’m just saying that’s what she would do if she were even slightly sincere about what she’s claimed to believe for the last decade.
Biden is the embodiment of what she claims she entered politics to fight. pic.twitter.com/s7pv5v6vCV
But don't you worry about ol' Glenn. You can be absolutely sure that his very good friend Tucker Carlson --

-- will go right on proving him with a huge and sympathetic platform for his idiosyncratic opinions.
PS. As regards his venomous delight at the thought of Rachel Maddow's "grief" --
-- suck it shithead.— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) March 4, 2020
I Told You So
If there was ever a good use for "this fucking guy" it's for GG.
Don't your kids just want to grow up to be like Greenwald-O?
All that fame and fortune from finding the tiniest crevices of blur to make a mole hill out of. A talent social media created specifically to enable people the ability to have their stupidity put on display that one brow on the evolutionary chart. May relate to another to discuss how to get to nowhere by covering the bridge with enough deification to make themselves unwilling to cross that bridge.
Greenwald-O bring nothing to the public table that helps anyone or improves any issue.
He is like the Sarah Sanders spokes person of Gobble-ty Goop.
A reminder that GG continues to exist to make his path to nowhere for the human race.
Absolutely correct-o. He and Jimmy Dore should start a club though they're the types that would never be a part of a group that would have them as a member.
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