Thursday, March 12, 2020

This Business Will Get Out of Control

It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.

Here is President Stupid flat-out lying about how people entering the country are being tested.
Maybe he's lying because he's a pathological liar and that's what liars do.  Maybe he's lying because he's surrounded by stooges and grovelers who are terrified of being screamed st by this madman and so one of them fed him some happytalk bullshit and his syphilitic puddingbrain rot is so advanced at this point that all he knows how to do is repeat the last happytalk bullshit thing he heard and then mulitply it by 10.

Don't care either way.  At this point all I am sure of is that, thanks to 60 million of our Republican neighbors and co-workers who elected this monster, this business is already out of control.

And we'll be lucky to live through it.

Republicanism Is The Greater Plague

1 comment:

Robt said...

Not to be a school teacher about this.


When you use the words "get out of". It is too late for that. It, "is out of"

Has Been.......

Trump is doing the full GW Bush.
Torturing people +(at the border) , Collapsing the economy, Bail outs, dragging out court cases until he is done, amassed a cesspool of lawyer criminals. Nom not criminal lawyers, there is a difference.