Monday, March 30, 2020

Rick Wilson is a Man of Many Opinions

(h/t to Atrios for highlighting the contradictions)

Here is Rick Wilson's opinion today:
Here are excerpts from Rick Wilson's opinion back when the Email Lady was gearing up to run for president of the United States with some emphasis thrown in by me to dazzle your senses

A Message to my Fellow Republicans
Let's stay out of the way of Hillary Clinton's email fiasco.


March 08, 2015

Hillary really put a wrench in the media’s plans this week. After eagerly cheerleading Barack Obama for eight years, they stood ready to help break the ultimate glass ceiling and play their role as part of the uncritical chorus of Hillary Clinton’s coronation, first as the Democratic nominee then as president. It’s why they hate this story. It brings alive the memories of 30 years of the slimy, predatory Clinton enterprise and how its venal, sleazy, one-step-ahead-of-the-law hillbilly hustle stains everything it touches...

[Fun Fact: After Donald Trump proved that the Left had been right about the Right all along. Rick Wilson would go on recycle this phrase -- something something "everything it touches" -- to sell a lot of books to credulous Liberals]

Cursed with both arrogance and inertia, the Bill and Hillary machine is stumbling toward political peril as the story of her possibly illegal (and certainly dodgy and ill-advised) use of private email servers consumes a Washington and New York press corps that for once can’t easily look away...

The Clintons are depending on their old skills at manipulating the press...

While the media’s passive “attention span” excuse du jour is real, many in the press are possessed of a boundless ideological desire to change the subject right now. That’s why the press is waiting breathlessly for (and in some cases, actively trolling for) Republicans to blow it...

The media is desperate for another riff on evolution or vaccines or gay marriage or prison sex from a GOP contender...

Don’t make it all about Benghazi (they’re expecting that) or the record-keeping laws (boring). Touch on those selectively, but focus instead on the grave national security risks that her amateur-hour email server shenanigan posed and more broadly what this says about the Clinton culture...

I encourage you to use the smarmy D.C. construction of “I just want to work in a bipartisan way for good, transparent government and to protect national security secrets from the Chinese, Russians and other threats” that the Acela Media claims to worship...

The Clintons are past masters of that game, and it’s a form that always devolves into the media narrative of “Good, Smart Democrat” versus “Evil, Dumb Republican.” Why would you fight a battle on their terms, their timing, and their conditions? ...

 As even the Clinton-friendly Acela Media are being forced to peer into the ugly, seething mass of Bill and Hillary’s behavior, history and contempt for the law, Republicans shouldn’t give them a reason to look away...
Here's another Fun Fact: without ongoing and energetic assistance of the very same smarmy, uncritical, cheerleading, trolling, Clinton-friendly, Acela corridor media which Rick Wilson clearly hates with the heat of 1,000 suns, Mr. Wilson would currently be living under some abandoned Florida viaduct eating road kill and screaming at passers-by about how this never woulda happened if fucking Rubio had run the kinda campaign I fucking well told him to run!

But because the Acela Media is, in fact, a Club and because Rick Wilson has many, many friends and fellow travelers in this Club which he hates with the heat of 1,000 suns, he is not only given a pass, he is given a complete political make-over and a new and very lucrative career.

But (you may fairly ask) how can that happen when his despicable record is, y'know, out there for everyone to see?

Oh gentle reader, by now you must know that that's not how the media works.  No matter what we stupid Libtards say, no matter how forcefully or cleverly we say it and no matter how many times we are proven to have been right all along, as far as the media is concerned, we do not exist.  At all.

Rick Wilson prospers because Rick Wilson it taking the same precautions to avoid being laid low by the Accountability Virus as every other goof and lout and fraud and mountebank in the media:  Take shelter with your Accountability-Immune friends in the mainstream media and distance yourself as quickly and completely as possible from anyone who remembers your long and despicable career as one of the architects of the Republican monster factory that created Donald Trump.

Never Trust a Never Trumper

1 comment:

Robt said...

Corporations are people, my friend.

TV networks are corporations my consumers. News networks are owned by those same network corporations. It is a buillt in speech (propaganda) advocate for those corporate owners.

It is why the tax cut double dip of republican's last socialized give away of other people's money. You know, redistributing wealth.
Corporate tax rates lowered. Tax rates on the wealthy lowered with wind fall tax checks.
More subsidies on the front end with more tax credits on the back end.
And what people own those corporations that are people??

FOX proved you can lead an animal to a poisoned water hole. Simple by repeatedly scaring them off of other potable waters and continue to offer them the poisonous water to drink.
While most of the rest of the networks considered it media competition, Not the ideological brainwashing control for the wealthy to promote the political party they purchased into prominence and the power to rid themselves of their enemy. The U.S Constitution.

From the demeaning of "we the People" in corrupting voting rights to changing law that excludes them from any accountability under our justice system. Killing people to make a profit is just free market business.
I stopped looking to the networks to expose and report on consequential events. When I used to see advertisements as,
Ker/Mgee. Offshore oil rigs for dale or lease on the networks. As if us everyday viewers are being enticed to purchase such a offer. Yeag, Fet out and buy your off shore oil rig today.!
The oil industries know all the industry businesses so a CEO of a oil company is not going to catch a commercial between the simpsons and law and Order and say to his executives, get these folks on the phone, :I need one of these oil rigs.

But, the network that accepted all that money for that oil rig bought insurance. That when one of their oil rigs blows up and contaminates our oceans and beaches, kills most of the sea life. If that network who took that money for those ads have their news Depts; report negativily (bad press), Why they can threaten to pull that ads and the network could face losing that swet ad money.

How does a Rick Wilson fit into all of this? You hit on it. He is a mental illness promoter for insurance against too many Americans realizing what these masters of the Universe plantations are doing to it;s slave work force.

As a commodity, what does Rick bring to your network? The Hewitt? Mrs. (Santa is White) Kelly?

In part, the boss decides he needs Rick Wilson or other processed can of spam to rebuke accusations of his network being "left wing radical liberal democratic and worthless.

It is their Right wing FOX vampire garlic. Fending off the rights biased claims.