Friday, January 31, 2020

Your 2020 Democratic SOTU Mask

Dear Democratic Members of Congress, this is very simple.  Have an intern...

  1. Print out a full-sized copy of this graphic big enough to make the Bolton face graphic normal face-sized.

  2. Cut out the face and silhouette. 

  3. Align and paste them -- one front and one back -- to a sheet of constriction paper. 

  4. Cut eye-holes and mouth-hole where indicated.

  5. Attach to a large tongue-depressor. 

  6. Sit in silence during the entire State of the Union, covering your face with the mask. 

  7. Flip over to the obverse side at your discretion.

Use it in good health!

Driftglass Legal Defense Fund


Dan Kleiner said...

yeah, that's AWESOME.

good shit.

Robt said...

During Obama SOTU it was the respectful God Fearing representative Joe Wilson with his honor deference of the chamber he had no podium in, shouted out, "you lie".

From the mouth of the GOP bastion of Truth, justice, respect and mindful religion of how to treat your fellow man.

joejimtree said...

Thank you! The Democratic Party has no sense of theatre, of performance art. They are unwilling to compete for the attention of the media, using original means. When Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, and Donald Trump rallies, remain the dreary, ugly, sordid, competition, the bar is not so high. And yet the reality is that there is not compelling Democratic narrative in the news, no real symbolism. There are really easy, low cost ways to get attention and take it from these boring, boring, idiots. And you just named one of them.