Thursday, January 09, 2020

Northwestern University Lowers Its Standards Again

I don't know exactly when one of America's most prestigious J-schools stopped teaching that "Disclosed" --
Verb:  make (secret or new information) known.
-- and "Lied" --
Verb: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.
-- do not mean the same thing, but it was a dark day indeed.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

If North Western U. continues to lower it's standards (for admission).

Trump and his son's may soon be able to attend and pass admission tests to get in on their own.

Tell them to be patient.

As for Trummp's latest on why he assassinated someone. As the Intelligence continues to come in and develop. The update lies are left lingering around with the New ones.

Bring to mind the old saying about comedy.

Best and funniest comedy is based on Truth.

It is why republicans and Trump have zero since of humor.
No matter how slap stick Three Stooges applied foreign policy occurs under his tutelage.

But I am pleased Mike Lee and Randall Paul finally met one of Trump's best people..

Like how American citizens are going to be treated in court with their judge confirmations.

Rob's Thoughts said...

i can't take it ... this is not normal