Saturday, January 04, 2020

I Was Wondering How Long It Would Take Ol' Glenn To Blame the Democrats

I suppose I should be curious about whether this might interfere with his humiliating "Tucker Carlson' Wacky Sidekick" gig at Fox, or if Pete Omidyar ever has second thoughts about handing Glenn a check for a quarter of a billion dollars, but I really don't much care.

Never change, Spleenwald.

Never change.

Help Fund The Heresy!


Nick Jr. said...

Do you ever wonder if the whole ever-lovin' point of Glenn Greenwald saying stuff like this is to outrage everyone on the left in order to get more attention? Once you realize that someone is a troll, like Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh, you oddly find that you no longer hate them. Instead you just feel sorry for them. And then whenever you watch Independence Day you find yourself rooting for the aliens to win.

Robt said...

After GW Bush signed his socialism bail out for the Wall Street backs.

they waited til Obama was inaugurated to point at the Islamic Kenyan without a birth Certificate (at least they were willing to accept, never have).
They blamed Obama for the economic collapse and used that to become fiscal responsible.

If Obama hadn't smuggled out all the WMD's out of Iraq when our satellites weren't watching , the war could have been legitimately argued for.

But, how did Obama force the pot warrior Speaker john Bohner into a DE criminalizing EX speaker who now lobbies for the Weed industry????

shall we discuss all the items Glenn is to blame for? And, why is it this Glenn whose residence is in South America discussing American politics/ issues/ democracy to Americans on USA TV?

Why doesn't Glenn concern himself with his Soth American homeland?

Jason said...

Greenwald has Jimmy Dore syndrome. Some years ago he went off the reservation on a few things and got justified sh-t for it from the left. Because his fragile ego can't admit that he was wrong, he decided the left is an enemy too despite evidence to the contrary. I actually admire his courage and willingness to say things that need to be said. But then there's the Mack truck sized blind spots in his thinking that destroy his credibility and make him an incredibly frustrating character with delusions of grandeur and a pathological narcissism.

Robt said...


Would those blind spots be self made? On purpose to seek relevancy. Saying things that need to be said, but most of them without foundation ?

Sort of Beck-OReilly-Hannity-Hue Hewitt-Alex Jones-ian?

There are many folks that have musch better perspectives, facts and eloquence that I would rather hear from but Glenn gobles that air time.

No offense, if Glenn intrigues your interest. Be intrigued.

Fritz Strand said...

I would like to see a Venn diagram of Greenwald's views from a couple of years ago and AG Barr's at present about the Russian connections with Trump.

As Spock to captain Kirk, "Forget,forget".