Friday, January 03, 2020

A Brief History of the Modern Republican Party

This concludes our brief history of the modern Republican Party.

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Robt said...

We are going to see something different from a Football Players kneeling during a Anthem prior to a game.

As the GOP in the name of their Christianity assassinates a Iran military commander in Iraq. He was not an Al Qaida Bin Laden nor Al Bagdaddy of terrorist organizations. He was a military commander of Iran. Who our press tells us we are blessed he is dead because he had blood on his hands. Unlike Seal Gallager who Trump basically pardoned. Not like our military in the name of Christianity and allies with the repressive Government of Saudi Arabia.
Used Drones to strike a school bus in Yemen that was full of children under the age of 12 years old. This Iran commander was in his backyard. America is not.
With our country in big debt. GOPTRUMP utilizes his very smart gut feeling of impulse.
Like sadistic children, many republicans cheer this assassination in the name of their God.
Sure he was a bad guy with blood on his hands. Just like American military with blood on their hands.
With all the tax cuts for wealthy and corporate America. They now do not pay federal taxes to fund our military nor our Veterans Administration to care for our wounded. Yet, big oil will have a voice in our federal government and war, along with all the defense contractors and weapons manufacturers. Who pay no taxes to defend their presense in the united states.
But they can be first in line to profit and be at the table to slice the profit pie.

It had to be clear when Trump/GOP pulled out of the Iran Nuke Deal over the notion that the deal only covered Nukes and nothing else.
They slammed the door to the future with Iran.
Not to worry. Those job creators and Tickle down Gods will not have to pay a cent for this killings spree they seek in the name of their faith.
We know who will do the fighting. it won't be any of our present Bone spur class.

Give me an F.
Give me a U.
Give me a C.
Give me an K.... What's that spell?
Thank you Country Joe and the Fish..................

By the way, as president Evil and his mini Me's speak out on the assassination "resons".

It should have been done long ago. Yes, his grandfather should have been aborted before his birth.
Those that seek peaceful corruption and if little peons have to die then peace is good and if not, we will kill you and our little people will kill your little people.

And the wealthy will still prosper and raise their overlord children who will inherit us.

Amazing is the media telling us how repressive Iran is to their people. But Russia, N. Korea, Saudi Arabia and the other Trump allies now aligned with Republican right here in America. toss that sinful allegation of suppressing their people.

Hal Rager said...

Well done, Robt.