Saturday, December 28, 2019

Professional Left Podcast #526

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are."  
--  Benjamin Franklin

Don't forget to visit our new website -- -- for all of the sweet bells and whistles:  there are links to donate to our podcast work at that site, as well as links to our swingin' Zazzle merch store,  our respective blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Kittehs! and much more. Many thanks once again to @theologop for building it all for us!

I'm trying a new embed format provided by Radio Public.  Let me know what you think!


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


dinthebeast said...

"And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun."

I read the battocchio/Swift roundup and was surprised to discover one of my favorite bloggers, who I have been reading and following the activism work of for ten years, Pamela Merritt, is also the author of a book about the mentality of cats.

I have been ranting about the through-lines in Republican perfidy since before Fergus pulled us off of the Nixon-Atwater-dubya-Rove line and onto the McCarthy-Cohn-Fergus line, with the common factors like Stone and Manafort dropping like flies lately, a trend I can wholeheartedly get behind. Nobody really wants to hear it, though, perhaps because of the seemingly far-fetched plot line of the entirely real story.
Which is one of their strong points: if the story is too cartoonishly evil to be believable, some simply won't believe it, and many won't want to hear it at all.

Enablers come in all shapes and sizes, and the days of their free pass to vicariously fuck up the country and its so-called free press without consequence must be numbered.
Put that on the "clean up list" the next sane administration is already saddled with.

Thank you again for the podcast. We have landed from our recent uprooting, and it seems as if we are mountain people for the time being. Even still, in honor of the city I still love and look at as my home even if I can't afford to live there any more, I will remain (from Sugar Pine):

-Doug in Oakland

Robt said...

My republican House REpresentative voted no on impeachment.

In his News Paper Town hall talk at us meeting.

He stated,
"I voted NO, because Ukraine got their money and there was no quid Pro Qup"

Basically, If someone steals your car and the police catch him. there is no crime.

Just curious, How did your House Rep. vote and what did he say was his reason.

I watched the hearings, recording the TV thingy makes it possible.
It was difficult not to hear the repeated assortment of GOP excuses/ lies that must have been poll tested on 4chan or a KKK cross burning.

How did your House member convey it to the district?

portlandmaxtrains said...

Bluegal is on to something. You've been repeating the same assertions over and over for so long that you're reinforcing and simplifying a belief that's becoming more and more unmoored in reality.

"Come back, so we can be young men together again."