Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Today In Magic Ruralism (tm)

Among all the endless, tedious, virtually-identical works of Magic Realism (tm) twaddle that come plopping off the Washington Post and New York Times assembly lines...

...and among all the endless, tedious, virtually-identical think pieces from the Galaxy Brains of the Beltway Media warning the Left to never condescend to Trump voters or to speak of them in anything other than calm, neutral tones...

...I have yet to read anything about how instead, of demanding that Liberals treat these racist meatheads like archaeologists trying to restore the Dead Sea Scrolls (Too fragile to touch.  Cannot be exposed to ordinary atmosphere.) maybe -- just maybe! -- it's the responsibility of Trump voters to grow a pair of opposable thumbs and begin climbing down out of Treasonous Asshole Tree.

Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Kevin Holsinger said...

I'm still waiting for my communist dictatorship that Obamacare was supposed to create.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mr. Glass. Be seeing you.

Tom Shefchik said...

Another dumass with the prion disease you talk about. Sheesh. The republicans are all dumasses.

Meremark said...

Rural non-fiction.

CNN finds Trillbilly podcast riffs on Left politics.


Cinesias said...

It may not be a popular opinion to have, but if you're a liberal, and you really believe the things that we've been saying about Strongman Trump and Strongman Trump's supporters, you should also be practicing your 2A rights.

Just sayin, I'm not getting rounded up after the Capitol Fire, and neither are my neighbors.