Friday, November 15, 2019

Chuck Todd Never Fails To Disappoint

For those of you who were celebrating the seemingly miraculous success of Chuck Todd's spinal transplant just a couple of weeks ago, I have some bad news.  It's time to pour the remaining Champale back into the bottle, seal it with a wad of aluminum foil and stick it back in the vegetable crisper, because his body almost immediately rejected the transplant.

Yes, however earnest ol' Chuck might have momentarily been about finally hitting his limit -- finally saying he just can't eat one more bite of Republican bullshit and ain't gonna work on Comcast's Both Siderist Farm no more -- his bosses are clearly even more earnest about him shutting the fuck up and getting back to doing what they pay him to do:  enabling Republican perverts and hobgoblins by Both Sidering the hell out of every Republican atrocity.

It's painfully obvious that after his brief flirtation with spunk, his employers had The Talk with him because, man, they hate spunk.  And so someone got word to Chuck that unless he sat back down, shut his hole and followed the script they put in front of him without comment or complaint, he would very quickly find himself "at liberty" as the vaudevillians used to say.  Out in a cold cold world trying to gin up interest in some embarrassing ToddTalk podcast he is launching or hawking some forgettable book he threw together about his "faith journey" without NBC/Comcast available to muscle it up the charts.

And so, this Sunday...

Trapped between being slowly ground to pulp by the forces of history, and being rendered swiftly extinct by his employers for not sticking to the script, Chuck Todd handled having his pusillanimous Both Siderism called out in real-time -- to his face and on the air -- exactly the way a relentless asshole handles being rejected at the bar: by pausing long enough to let his firmware reboot, grinning like an idiot, ignoring the comment completely and moving on.

Here is Chuckles just three days later signifying to everyone else in his Beltway ecosystem that he is as one with them by awkwardly pretending to be amazed that the Republican party is OMFG full of Republicans.

And here is Chuck Todd making excuses about why standing up to the malignancy that has eaten its way into the bones of our democracy is not a good enough reason to break his Beltway media political protocols.

Todd is a weak, frightened, social climber, terrified of making the wrong people angry with him, who now finds himself charged with an important job at a mighty moment in history.  He's the guy marking time in left field praying the ball is never hit anywhere in his direction, and history just belted a high, hard one straight at him.  And his is simply not up to it.  He is hardwired to flee conflict of any sort for the safe harbor of piddling equivocation and fence straddling.

And the most depressing part of all?

I am 100% sure his employers at NBC and Comcast think he's doing a heckuva job, just as they thought the odious, Gingrich-enabling David Gregory was doing a heckuva job right up until they sacked him and replaced him with someone just as craven and ethically-castrated.

The Tip Jar Is Open.


Fritz Strand said...

Nailed it.

Chief D said...

Shuck Todd's highest interests are 1) his paycheck, 2) access that allows that paycheck to continue, and 3) the "political game" of it all. He has no adherence to the truth or ethics. To him it's all just fascinating political machinations.
I also appreciate the Ed Asner/Mary Tyler Moore reference.

Unknown said...

i think hr has m.s.
why cant he sit still?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Todd is the second unfit, incompetent successor to follow the great Tim Russert. He has no business interviewing sidewinder politicians on television. Perhaps a clinic tutored by Fox's Chris Wallace would be helpful.

Unknown said...


is a pathetic weakling.

steeve said...

And Tim Russert wasn't that great anyway. He personally claimed social security as his #1 pet issue, then had no idea it was 80% solvent for decades to come.

Neo Tuxedo said...

his employers had The Talk with him

"And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and you... will... ATONE!"

the great Tim Russert

Spoken like somebody who never read what the late, great Terry Coppage had to say about Fat Timmy. I'd say that's like comparing the relative heights of Billy Barty, Warwick Davis and Peter Dinklage, but I don't want to insult anyone with physical dwarfism by comparing their condition to the mental variety.

Unknown said...

Tim Russet was one of the rare good reporters that was respectful.

Rubin said...

He allowed Rand Paul to attempt to force the media to reveal who the whistleblower was without challenging him. Pathetic!! The southern racist politicians are the tip of the racist spear!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting that Chuck Todd video. I've been pissed about that idiotic "two wrongs" statement since he first said it, which seems like a month ago. Time flies when truth is through the looking glass.

Anonymous said...

On the contrary Todd surely sees himself as a truth teller of the highest order. Totally free of the prejudices of mere mortals. A message receives ever time he get's another million dollars of bank deposits. That is the market speaking baby.

The market is the ultimate arbiter of these and all things. The market is the perfect information processor and by being at the top he welcomes his critics. Now surely the market told him, with winks and nods not talks with the guys in the big offices, that the market demands both sidererism and i the market wants that then the market is right, so go with it.