Saturday, November 09, 2019

12 Feet High and Risin'

How high's the water, mama?
12 feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
12 feet high and risin'

One son's a moron and the other's a leach
Right now I'd sell 'em both for ten rubles each
And it looks like Schiff's really gonna impeach.
12 feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
20 feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
20 feet high and risin'

I thought president was like being a king
Goofs bring me money and kiss my ring
Now every motherfucker is testifying
20 feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
A mile high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
A mile high and risin'

All the shit's comin' out that I tried to hide
And everybody knows that I lied and lied
Time to push Rudy over the side
A mile high high and risin'...

Behold, a Tip Jar!


wibble said...

...I've always remembered the Sesame Street version:


joejimtree said...

Huh. Same structure Cash used write 25 Minutes to Go.

freshsideofhell said...

Awesome job, but can he swim?

e.a.f. said...

Was listening to the Johnny Cash version the other day as I was driving in my of course truck on Vancouver Island, B.C. Must say, though I do like your version very much. if some one would record it, I'd play that also.

While I was listening to Cash's version, I thought, gee the guy knew about climate change even back in the day. Perhaps some of those opposed to rising water ought to start playing that song a bit more these days.

David in NYC said...

Johnny didn't write "25 Minutes to Go", Shel Silverstein did.

Same guy who wrote "Boy Named Sue".