Monday, September 30, 2019

Sunday Morning Comin' Down

Longtime readers may remember that for many years I wrote a regular, weekly vivisection of the network Sunday political/news shows (usually) under the heading "Sunday Morning Comin' Down".  I would spend hours deconstructing the Sunday Gasbag Cavalcade and explaining exactly how they were poisoning honest political discourse in America.

It was a lonely beat -- the shitwork of the resistance long before it became The #Resistance -- but with dreck like this sliding unchallenged down the American political gullet every week --

-- a few of us Stalinist Libtard bloggers felt it was necessary.

But this week I didn't need to crack the thesaurus once.  Because this week the yammering dullards which the Republican Party marched onto the battlefield to defend President Stupid were so comprehensively awful that -- Hallelujah! --  everyone could see it.

Here is House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy flunking Object Permanence on national teevee:
Here is Rudy Ghouliana completely off the leash, pissing himself and running in circles on national teevee:

Remember last week when -- for one, brief, shining moment -- Chuck Todd boiled over?  Go so sick of being pissed on by Republicans and being told it was a UMO Skin Clinic London Gold Facial --

-- that he did the one thing he is never supposed to do?
Chuck Todd Tells GOP Senator: ‘Don’t Gaslight Us’ on Ukraine-Biden

The “Meet the Press” host accused the lawmaker of “whataboutism” when it comes to Trump, Biden and Ukraine.
Yeah, well that's over.  After being given his post-show review with a cigar and a bag of oranges by Phil Griffin in the alley behind NBC headquarters, Chuck Todd got his mind right and this week he was back to his default setting of meek, smirking compliance.

Brian Stelter was shocked that Robert De Niro was Robert De Niro.

Hell, things were so ass-over-teakettle that even Fox News' Chris Wallace had momentarily had enough.  Which came as a surprise to baby-stomping Republican homunculus Stephen Miller, who thought he was home-free nestled in the bosom of the Conservative Propaganda Factory.

He was mistaken:
It Pleases Me to See Stephen Miller So Utterly Humiliated

But David Atkins makes the most important point of all.  The same point we've been making on this blog for going on 15 years.

It is utterly irresponsible to continue putting liars and lunatics on teevee under the cover of Balance and Fairness and everyone damn well knows it.

I Aim To Misbehave


Robt said...

Republican long time helpings of extreme partisanship while blaming Democrats for moving so far to the leftm GOP moves right and exploits the wide divide of where Dems are. When they hadn't moved left, but actually moved more right to close the divide.

Case in point,
GOP confirms a right winger to the Chamber of Commerce (every position).

They screamed Hell's fury when Obama nominated Republican Senator Chuck Hagel to DOD.

GOP finds Walll Street Execs to appoint to Chamber of Commerce, Treasury, labor Department, even the Department of Justice and judges.
They never confirm say a Jimmy Hoffa to the Chamber of Commerce (Dems neither)..

Let the Chamber of Commerce be ran by a Wall Streeter execs. But, confirm a labor friendly, Labor leaning Labor favoring person to head the Department of Labor.

Let the Commerce and labor depts. battle at the cabinet level with the President overseeing and Congress scrutinizing any laws.

But no. Dems will not congrim a AFL/CIO president to the labor Dept. nor to the Chamber of Commerce.
GOP, let's name corporate executives as NLRB judges. After they made law for their companies (while on loan to the GOP government) can return to their corporate exec jobs and recieve their bonuses.

Too many of these shows normalize this, make excuses for it to normalize it during GOP rule and turn the table upside down in anger when Democratic control is afoot.

just saying..............

Nick Jr. said...

It is expected that journalists will hold our leaders' feet to the fire so to speak. Chuck Todd has a slightly different approach. He invites the leaders, builds a fire, and then allows them to sit a comfortable distance away and roast marshmallows. He has stated before in interviews that he believes if he barks at his guests they won't come back. Its strange that he would say that since people like Joy Reid and Bill Maher bark at purveyors of lies and spin on their shows and they don't hurt for guests. Its almost as though that's just a lame excuse and the real reason involves an unspoken arrangement whereby Chuck Todd is there to put on a news-like show and not do anything to jeopardize the super-rich guy who owns his network's parent company from getting his godamn tax cut. Or something like that.