Monday, September 02, 2019

Matthew Dowd Will Go Right On Being a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person Forever

I am once again obliged to point out that if 2019 Matthew Dowd ever met 2016 Matthew Dowd in an alley...
...the resulting donnybrook would be spectacular.

I am once again obliged to point out that back during the 2016 election Matthew Dowd (who is ABC News' chief political analyst) and his Both Sides Do It running-buddy, Ron Fournier, were the undisputed kings of shitty "Both Sides Are Equally Bad" punditry.  Yes, back when it actually mattered, they were fucking everywhere -- the Martin and Lewis of "Both Sides Do It!  End The K'rupt Duopoly!  Disrupt!" hackery -- bleating out their toxic Beltway bullshit in every venue that would have them.

You see, one of the perks of working for a mainstream media corporation is that you are allowed to opt out of existence along the normal, temporal timeline,  And so, unlike the rest of us dopes who have pasts we have to reconcile ourselves to and futures we have to plan for, the Matthew Dowd of 2004 and 2008 and 2016 and 2019 all exist simultaneously as discrete, non-overlapping entities in an eternal political Now where Past and Future have no meaning.

Of course, living as a series of as discrete, non-overlapping entities in an eternal political Now does have its dangers...

Behold, a Tip Jar!

1 comment:

Robt said...

God Bless America, and it's freedoms

Where you can be crippled with malignant stupidity. Still be connected enough be provided with elite welfare (not socialism). A job your simply not qualified or suited for.