Thursday, August 22, 2019

Republican Dummy Gets New Ventriloquist: Film at 11

From CNN:
Sarah Sanders becomes the latest ex-Trump official to join Fox News.
This is like a weather report advising you that, yes, gravity is still working exactly as expected.

Something so predictable and inevitable it almost doesn't qualify as news.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Sarah Sanders is proof that republican socialism works, (for republicans only).

If you are not republican, you are not American, therefore deport your ass.

The tax cuts creates jobs by government giving subsidies and money incentives to hire the great Huckabee's of the mosh pit. Her FOX gig paid in part by tax payers.

Her job as White House spokesi-person really gave us citizens a lesson. How she treated the press is what she thinks of Americans. She became very good at not speaking to the white house press as white house spokesperson to the press.
Her socialized pay check and health care on the backs of tax payers she deemed unworthy to speak to via the press. That first Amendment thing just got in the way./

may all her devoted Christian white supremacists tune in for every word she will not say.
Has to be a strong ratings improvement for FOX.
Makes one wonder, Could Sarah out compete and take the place of La-La In graham?
If one of them lose enough advertisers, could they move in Sarah to replace. No, it would not be a programming substance improvement. More like the ability to bring back advertisers.

Surprised? NO. Sarah was already a FOX employee while moonlighting as White House press Sec...

Pagan in repose said...

Surprise! surprise!, as Gomer Pyle of Mayberry would say...

Robt said...

So David Koch gets his life time appointment to be with Anton in Scalia.

They have so much to catch up on and figure out a way to make money speech in a place that has no use for money.