Friday, July 26, 2019

Professional Left Podcast #504

(Thanks to listener "PMB" for the cool graphic.)
“Time and time again I've tried
So when I turn into a savage, boy, don't ask me why
Ask me why, don't ask me why, yeah
Give you a taste of your own medicine."
--   Queen Naija

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Anonymous said...

God fucking damn but seeing "Mitch McConnell is a Russian" trending on Twitter does my older-than-my-body soul some good.

Robt said...

Yes, Moscow Mith is the head of the turd. There is no clean part of that turd to pick it up by.

There is nothing Moscow Mitch does or refuses to do. That is not blessed by every single Senate republican.

*Moscow Mitch can count votes. knows which of his senators could keep their seat if they vote for or against any damn legislation he wants. or not.

It is why some votes take place and fail even though some republicans vote with Dems. There is enough GOP to kill it and the vote is over.

It is exactly what occurred with the vote to stop the weapons sales to Saudi Arabia.

And their king Trump gets to sell them.

dinthebeast said...

Funny thing, I've had to remind complainers about Chuck Todd of the existence of and eerie similarity to Fluffy this week also. It's almost like the people who hire for that job want the certain specific deficiencies they happen to share as requirements for employment there...
Thank you again for the podcast, and I sent you another cat picture this week.

-Doug in Oakland

Robt said...

Have you noticed with the both sider application that it is used in certain way.

If the GOP is on the hook for corruption, failures or anything rotten.

"Well you know, both sides . Take the Merrick Garland nomination. Weel if you go back far enough you will find the Dems doing the same thing with Robert Bork. (so wrong).

When Dems made an attempt to scrutinize a kavanaugh nomination. The GOP control that used its full majority control to run every aspect and choreograph the worst outcome.

It was not about both sides. It was about those demonic Liberals tying to destroy the self made horror republication of Kavanaugh.

You know,
If you have a child that gets caught with pals stealing. When you go in front of the judge as a parent. Your defense is,
"you cannot hold my kid responsible because his friends were doing it too".

So a persons racist actions are fine under freedom. Even when ones racist freedom is deployed to infringe on the freedom of others.

This is the right wing notion of the bigoted cake baker who is allowed to use his religion to bar another person (supposedly witht he same rights) to infringe on that persons freedom.

There is no future I can see in the right wing world that can be long lasting and not collapse under anarchy and violence in a Grand Ole Party way.

The both sider was not deployed.

When you confront and call out racism by a president. you are playing the race card.

So the confronted is the racist and the racist com mentor is being attacked for what both sides do.

Robt said...

So what will they call the Koch funded lab bred and fed base this time?

Maybe Constitutional Conservatives?
Sen Sasse sent me a reply to a fiscal question (no, not an answer) where he volunteered something about he is a Constitutional Conservative (now).

The "Trump, just kidding party"? The "Oops I got caught up in the Trump Tower meeting Party"

In the spirit of kavanaugh, "The Boof Party"?

If they wanted to pick something historically incorrect as they did with TEA Party.

How about the "Benedict Arnold party"?

There will be some hardliner hold overs from the White Nationalists. TEA Party will be funded by Koch as long as they can still get reelected.

Might the GOP base be ready for something splashy in a name?

"Pedophile Pirates".