Friday, July 05, 2019

Matthew Dowd is a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

Pictured on the right is Mr. Matthew Dowd, chief political analysis for ABC News.  

You may remember Mr. Dowd from the 2016 campaign for president where he ferociously led the Both Sides Do It vanguard.

For month after maddening month, Mr. Dowd's one-and-only job was scooting from one teevee news political panel to next to bray about "The K'rupt Duopoly" and how "Washington" was so fucked by Both Sides that only massive disruption to the entire system would suffice.

He was proud of his stiff-necked Both Siderism --

-- and eventually blocked me and personally insulted my readers for the heresy of speaking to him man-to-man about the toxic lie he was telling in public.   For explaining in plain language that using his huge media platform to pimp the Big Lie of Both Sides Do It was not just morally indefensible, but that decades of Beltway media jack-hammering that lie into the heads of the American public was more responsible for the public's cynicism about our political institutional and apathy about voting than any other single cause.

And now?
I appreciate @pommylee's taking this matter directly to Mr. Dowd, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a reply.  Mr. Dowd is rather a coward when it comes to these matters, and you can understand why. 

After all, if the fact that some some nobody Liberal blogger in the middle of flyover country could so easily run rings around ABC News' chief political analysis on the subject of politics -- could humiliate him so badly in his own back-yard that he had to run away and hide -- ever became common knowledge among the executives at ABC News...?

Well, it wouldn't be pleasant.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Dowd desperately in need to divert from the Greatest and smartest republican in history ever.

Mr. Dowd,
In Trump's 4 th Speech. He stated and I quote, "Ramming the Ram Parts"

Why would the president in his tax payer funded campaign rally speak about sexual bestiality like that?

MAGAYS are angry and want to know why he hates Trump and will not report on His greatness. How Trump showed up when the Chosen on by God showed up in the rain this time? Why would God rain on the chosen ones parade? How Trump endured his bone spur pain through his entire speech commemorating how General George Washington controlled the airports to win the revolutionary war.

Why does Dowd not get over it. HRC lost and Dowd still undermining the smartest , the greatest republican in history?

Why Dowd?

Dowd is tired of 2 parties. It is why he promotes the one party system. All Republican and Russian.

Dowd still hasn't had his fill of Hillary's Emails.

dinthebeast said...

Bigots and imbeciles? What bigots and imbeciles? I don't see any bigots or imbeciles, all I see is patriotic reverse mortgage and dick pill customers!

-Doug in Oakland

Brad in Dallas said...

C'mon Dowdy start a trend. The New Left Arises. They've been a voice in the wilderness for a decade. And the best part is--they're all former Bush speechwriters!