Monday, July 01, 2019

For The Beltway Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky

In my experience, trying to convince the Beltway media -- and even my coastal Liberal media "allies" -- that anything of value exists outside of LA, DC or NYC is remarkably like trying to convince the people Yonada that their world is hollow and dangerously off-course. 

You can almost see them wincing as some powerful and unseen Coastal Media Elite Oracle zaps them in the neck whenever such heresy is mentioned.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Lit3Bolt said...

Kountry Klub Kosplayers Elites Who Pretend They Are Journalists.

They know they are mere courtiers to the halls of power, and are delighted by a whiff of access from the Chief Eunuch of the Habsburg Emperor. The symbiosis is so complete now that an observer cannot tell who is the host and who is the parasite.

Instead of a Human Centipede it's a Human Scat 69. No more need for food or outside ideas! An eternity of exchanging fluids...mmmhhmmmmmm...fluids...

starskeptic said...

Now do, "Brain and brain, what is brain?"

Robt said...

It was stated by someone, somewhere at another time.

Not news/ media can ever go wrong if they stick to their original purposes and there are a few.

This is just one of them,

‘The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable’