Saturday, June 15, 2019

This Weeks' David Brooks Prize For Flabbergasting Lack of Self-Awareness Goes To...

Our ruling elite are clueless dopes.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

WEll yeah,

Not to be critical of the Coey.

When he closed the HRC investigation. Appearing before the republican majority Benghazi Select Committee (after about 8 other independent investigations including a full GOP house and senate investigation).
The Republicans on the committee were angry and made clear they expected Comey to have a damning report. Comey tried to satisfy these GOP critters by making a comment. A public comment about there were some light weight security questionable instances of HRC and her emails but nothing worth water boarding a confession out of HRC for.
Comey in this heating was made to promise if any other dirt on HRC arises to notify (he will) the select committee.

With the NY FBI and Rudy finding a staffer laptop of Anthony Wiener investigation of exposing himself on social media. Old copies of HRC emails were on it. NT FBI holds on to it for a while, tells Rudy who blabs on all the networks. Comey gets thisinfo. Notifies the GOP Select Committee he is looking through these. The Benghazi Select committee on HRC emails. leaks out Comey's letter to them. The media/press start tossing poop alll over their cages about this.

Comey reviews and finds no new evidence. Tells Congress select committee who take a baby step into insanity and hate rage. making all sorts of wild accusations over HRC and comey.
Dems get critical why Comey publicly stated anything. Never pointing to the GOP Select committee for leaking Comey's letter.

How all the Russian attacking of the election was not explicitly notified to the public is disgraceful.

They left American voters vulnerable. Sure, many voters no matter what are vulnerable. It doesn't make it right.

Mr. Comey, If I may ask. Where is the report for the counter intelligence investigation you opened?
Where is the final report on the internal NY FBI bureau that was involved with Rudy in his election foolnanery?

By the way, With everything we see and know about republicans. Their embrace of Putin. Whyy are you still a registered republican?
Do you think your republicanism is somehow different that the GOP Horde?
Or, Is it financially a prosperous future move for you?

Robt said...

Oh yeah, Comey.

"Lock her up"

Through out the campaign and to this day. You see, when your republican party does it it fine.

Otherwise, it needs to be bipartisan and Apolitical?

Only a republican special council and only a GOP majority confirmed Bill Barr, a Republican Deputy Rosenstien AG can determine ? Can investigate?

Only republicans can rule , legislate appoint judges.

supporting the radical while posing the normal that cannot emerge from today GOP which you subscribe. Might have helped your career to become FBI Director. It is just not that beneficial for the rule of law.

Lit3Bolt said...

J. Edgar Hoover is rolling in his pantyhose and bra in Hell about how spineless and clueless today's FBI directors are.

dinthebeast said...

Comey is, after all, a Republican.

-Doug in Oakland

Ok said...

Hey Dudley Do Right, go eff yourself! You were instrumental in bringing this plague on this country so I’m done listening to you.

Robt said...

Political candidates and elected officials should not talk about the future prosecution of any individual. Law enforcement decisions must be apolitical."

Deciphered into plain English;

Democrats must apply by the rules republicans expect. Whatever they may be and whenever they expect them.

The unitary president (King , Dictator Above the law guy). is reserved for Republican presidents ONLY.

Which I must ask,
If a (GOP) president is above the law and cannot be indicted as example
Emoluments, Hatch act, Nepotism, no security clearance required. No responsibility for vetting and hiring Paul Manafort , etc, etc...

Trump is above the law, means those who work for Trump is above the law (doing his biding), Republican senators are above the law, House Reps can inside trade, Cabinet members can steal tax dollars.

So why would republican want all those pesky constitutional regulations. Like those Commie EPA regs.

AS SCOTUS Thomas stated, There should be No Starre Decisis. When the founders wrote the 1st Amendment, they were stoned and did not mean it unlike the precedence of the 2nd Amendment they meant for sure.
Justice Thomas Knows this well because, Many, many NRA board member weapons manufacturers tell him.