Thursday, June 27, 2019

Of Time and the River and Eddie Glaude, Jr.

Eddie Glaude, Jr. before the 2016 election:  Hell no, I'm not voting for Hillary Clinton.
My Democratic Problem With Voting for Hillary Clinton

I am not voting for Hillary Clinton, regardless of her endorsement by Bernie Sanders. My decision isn’t because of the scandal around her emails or because of some concern over her character. My reasons are pretty straightforward. I don’t agree with her ideologically...

Eddie Glaude, Jr. after the 2016 election: OMG, white people just elected a lying racist imbecile!  How the fuck did that happen?

MSNBC's Eddie Glaude: "I Overestimated White People," I Didn't Think They Would Put Trump In Office

Beltway pundits exist in a happy little pocket universe where you get to work indoors, there's not a lot of heavy lifting, their past does not exist and professional future is always bright and filled with promise.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Any minute now. I expect the GOP to circulate a paid black guy declaring it was republicans that freed his people and Democrats are trying to get black people back on the plantation where they will be compliant and dependent on Democrats.

We have heard this before..........! Then we find Rumple Stiltskin just woke up and decided he must participate in elections. Not to omit some youth who are fairly new to it all.

Look over here for a minute.
After the Dem debates. On air discussions from the MSNBC task force.

Ex RNC chair Michael Steele, Cory Lewendosky and the likes are in the mix to provide Dem viewers with their GOP expertise.
In particular;
There was an exchange between O'Donnell and Donnie Dietche.

MSNBC CEO decided after his Megen Kelly affair, and his Hew Hewitt experiment with Hoe Scar, Micheal Steele. Donnie needs to be heard and gets a host show on the Wkend.
Donnie, argues, "noone on stage can win a Dick slinging fight with Trump. Except Joe Biden. But not that Joe Biden. A Joe Biden Donnie imagines in his head that needs to show up". Warren will lose because Trump (GOP) merely
name call Warren a "socialist" and Trump wins because Pocohantes doesn't have a dick to sling around.
(I actually ponder-- Why have a presidential debate with a file mouth liar at all) Trump skipped a primary debate and it didn't harm him.

But the exchange between Donnie and OFonnell is something to watch.

Donnie who comes across as a rich guy who knows more than the generals will tell us what we need to do, believe, think and be concerned about.
Because like he stated, "he knows what working sluts think.
I reccomend watching this exchange between larry and Donnie.

It leads to the question of selecting a candidate. Donnie says we need a loud mouth ashole (like himself) who is here only to lead you to the Kool aid he offers.
ODommell rebukes by stating obvious that it is early and this is the 1st debate. It needs to play out.

But Commander Donnie could not accept it.

Why the network gave me Donnie and not David Brooks or Newtie. Perhaps Hewitt could have weighed in and tell us all to assimilate resistance is futile.
maybe FOX and right wing radio will retaliate and put on Howard DEan to tell its viewers what to think.
nah, They have to many camera gluttons.

dinthebeast said...

"I Didn't Think They Would Put Trump In Office"

Shoulda stopped after the third word.

-Doug in Oakland

Potomacker said...

Are you suggesting that if Clinton had gotten another vote in New Jersey, the election would have turned out differently? Oh, if she only had been in a position of power after she criticized the electoral college after Bush 43 gained office with a minority of the popular vote. But as much as the incremental increase of her financial assets have proven to her over the years, it's better to just push and hope for incremental change.

Chan Kobun said...

Good to see that you realize what's really important here: Attacking that goddamned female who reminds you of your mother.

Fuck all the way off, dudebro.