Wednesday, June 12, 2019

It's The Bonhomie, Stupid

Twenty-seven years ago, James Carville made "It's the economy, stupid." the most famous phrase of the 1992 presidential election.

It was the mantra of the Clinton campaign -- a mnemonic to remind them that, wherever they were and whatever was blowing up the news cycle that day, they needed to keep their attention sharply focused on the one issue which they believed would win them the White House.

Twenty-seven years later it is my dearest hope that more than one Democratic candidate for president will take the idea of "It's the bonhomie, stupid." to heart.
noun: cheerful friendliness; geniality.
After decades of offering geniality, civility and compromise to the GOP and pulling back a bloody stump, "I drink your Libtard tears, snowflake!" and, finally, the election of the King of the Birthers, it is fucking well waaaaay past time to stop pretending you can reason with a rabid dog.

There can be no peace between us, which is a good thing because there should be no peace between up.  I mean, since there can no longer be any doubt that Trump is the Party and the Party is Trump, other than trying to win the David Brooks/Michael Gerson primary, why is any sane person still trying to bending themselves sideways pretending otherwise?

Who the hell still thinks compromising with fascists ever works? 

Who but a great fool wants peace with a baby-caging lynch mob?

So if you want my vote, quit insulting my intelligence.

Here is an example of a Democratic candidate insulting my intelligence:
Joe Biden: Republicans ‘Know Better,’ Will Change After Trump
Here is an example of a Democratic candidate respecting my intelligence:

Behold, a Tip Jar!

1 comment:

Robt said...

Didn't you get the brainwash memo.

When the GOP fails, it is because the Democrats, blah, blah, blah.


Thanks Obama and if Clinton or FDR would not have....?

Both sides do it.

Not sure if your noticing.
I know because both my GOP senators have voluntarily out of the blue toilet water. In a response to me on issue. Stated they are Constitutional conservatives.
Not sure what they mean or howw they define it. I was surprised they gave up the "fiscal conservative" ideology" for this Constitutional conservatism.

My how they grow so fast. All those teenage changes they go through is tough for a parent to keep up with.

So I called them and asked, what does it mean?

Could they send me a copy of their "conservative Constitution"? Never seeing one before.

And if they could, Because they always speak about conservatism and religion. If a copy of their conservative Bible can be forwarded as well.

Still waiting?